Find The #1 Blowjob Machine That Will Blow More Than Just Your Mind

Imagine for just a moment that you have a beautiful woman waiting at your beck and call to have sex with you or give you a blowjob whenever and wherever you desire. Amazing thought, isn’t it? But also pretty unrealistic, right? Which is why I have come to love ‘blowjob machines’.

I’m going to break down my top 5 favorite blowjob machines that are currently on the market, in hopes that I can assist you in making a well-informed, knowledgeable decision about your new *ahem* friend. And if you’re still on the fence about whether or not you’re even interested in trying a penis sucking machine, then read on, my friend.

I won’t push you into anything, but I do believe that once you’ve read through these reviews, and have seen how much pleasure can be derived from them, you may just jump aboard by your own free will.

And with that, we’re off to the races.

Editor's Pick
Best Blow Job Toy
  • Autoblow A.I.+
  • Hands free blowjob toy
  • Heavy duty motor
  • Powered by artificial intelligence
  • Interchangeable sleeves
  • Body-safe materials
  • Plug it into any electrical outlet
  • Save 20% - 50% Site-Wide
Kiiroo Keon
  • Kiiroo Keon
  • Automatic stroker
  • Sliding scale of speed
  • Elegant and discreet
  • Real-feel masturbation sleeve
  • Connects to video chat platform and VR porn
  • Easy to store
  • Up To 70% Off Site-Wide
Lelo F1S V2
  • Lelo F1S V2
  • Hands free blowjob machine
  • Long-lasting charge
  • Fully waterproof
  • Powerful sensations
  • Realistic artificial skin material
  • Easy to clean
  • Promo Code: "HAPPYBF" - 15% Off
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The Best Blowjob Machines Of All Time

1st PlaceEditor's Pick

Autoblow A.I.+

Autoblow AI Plus LogoThe Autoblow A.I. Blowjob Machine

Hands down, (pun intended) the Autoblow A.I.+ is the best blowjob robot on the market. For those of you that came here just for that one piece of information, and don’t care to read more about why that is, or how it compares to other blowjob sex toys then I bid you adieu and wish you the happiest of times with your new BJ buddy. For those of you who would like to know WHY I have declared this particular sex toy the best – read on!

I will go into more detail momentarily, but I’d like to begin by saying that the Autoblow A.I.+ is the hottest thing because it feels shockingly similar to a real act of smooth and intense fellatio. I know, I didn’t think it was possible either – and I’ve tried a lot of different toys on the market that make that claim and don’t deliver – but this one is different. So when you’re in need of a quick release, and there’s no woman in sight to deliver the goods, this blowjob toy really is the next best thing! Some might even say better, because it’s 100% your way, every time.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website

Hold up, what IS it?

The Autoblow A.I.+ is the most recent update in a line of magical blowjob simulators that were created by none other than Brian Sloan himself. Don’t know who that is? He’s the creator. Duh. But he’s also the mastermind of some other rad sh*t and he also held a contest for the ‘world’s most beautiful vagina’. Smart man.

But I digress. The Autoblow A.I.+ is a powerful blowjob simulator that is designed, as you may have already guessed, to give you, the user, the feeling of a real live blowjob – with not a real human in sight. Even YOU barely need to show up, other than sticking your manhood inside the tube. Designed to be hands-free, it lets you stick your pecker inside, sit back, and relax your way to a glorious climax!

But why is it so much better than the rest?

Yes, there are many male masturbators on the market that claim to be the best, that claim to be amazing – so why this one? Simply put, because I’ve tried them all. And trust me, this baby feels the most realistic.

Based on hours and hours of porn analysis, using computer algorithms to figure out how REAL blowjobs are given by real people, the A.I.+ delivers the most complex artificial intelligence blowjob on the market. With most toys, you choose from one of a few settings, and off the machine goes in a very robotic way. With the A.I.+ version of the Autoblow though, you not only have 10 preset speeds or blowjob experiences, but it can also change things up on you. Just like a real sloppy toppy, where surprise is part of the joy, the A.I.+ simulates that same feeling. The only difference from getting it from a real human? With the A.I.+, you know you’ll never get a BAD blowjob.

Plus, the realistic skin-like material that the inner sleeve is made of, combined with the hands-free option that is one of the signature selling features of the Autoblow makes this toy the absolute best.

And of course, it will never be EXACTLY the same as a woman sucking me off down there, but the technology they came up with for this product is seriously unbelievable. I highly encourage you to test it out for yourself to see what I’m talking about!

The Incredible Features

Okay, so I can go on and on about how much I like my BJ robot, but that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t understand WHY I like it so much, right? So here we go:

The Autoblow AI+ plugs directly into the wall, so you never have to worry about batteries. The other toys I’ve tried before required approximately 1 million batteries (yes, that’s an exaggeration, but a well-deserved one), and they would die right in the middle of your session. You’re JUST about to cum, and wham. The thing shuts off. Not cool.

That’s why I love this particular blowjob machine. It actually plugs right into the wall so you never have to worry about losing power right in the middle of your play session again. And the cord is plenty long enough, so don’t fret about having to sit right next to the wall or something – that’s a non-issue.

I think I’ve already mentioned that it’s hands-free? That’s because that’s a big deal for me. So many blowjob sex toys that I’ve tried in the past required me to move my hand almost exactly like I was masturbating. And sure, the pressure is different (read: better) but I’m still basically jerking myself off. Which is why I love this blowjob toy. I stick my member inside, and all I have to do is ensure it stays in the right position, and of course, change the speed dial to create a customized blowjob – just how I like it. I mean come on, what’s better than that?

The interchangeable and realistic feeling sleeves are another great bonus, as well as the new and improved motor which I’ll get into more detail about later.



The A.I.+ Blowjob Machine Pros And Cons

  •  Better, more realistic stroking sensations. Before the Autoblow A.I.+ was the “A.I.” which was, up until now, my favorite version of the toy. It was incredibly realistic. But the new adjustable gripper and sleeve they’ve introduced in the A.I.+ version is the most realistic feeling male sex toy I’ve ever experienced. It really does mimic the feeling of a real blowjob, and since they have analyzed so many real BJs, the varying patterns of movement really do feel incredibly realistic. And the surprise factor? What’s more real than that?
  •  Super quiet (and super strong) motor. This motor is serious. The previous versions of the toy had a powerful motor, but it was fairly loud. Not something you can use in complete discretion if you don’t live alone. But looks like they’ve solved that issue with this one! The motor is very quiet, and yet they’ve claimed that it’s three times more powerful at the same time. I don’t know how to accurately test that, so I’ll take their word for it. What I DO know, though, is that I don’t think you can really want for anything more.
  •  Plugs into the wall. Once again, it’s important to note that this thing goes right to the source when it comes to power. Never worry about running out of juice (electrical juice that is) because this blowjob toy plugs directly into the wall.
  •  The edging button. This, my friends, is an absolute game changer. One of my favourite things to do with any of my sleeves is to edge myself into orgasm. (ie. getting as close to orgasm as possible, and then stopping – and of course seeing how many times you can do this before you blow the biggest load of your life). With any other toy I’ve used in the past, if you simply shut it off before you cum, then when you turn it on again you’ve lost the settings you had, and have to reset it all. Or, of course, whip the toy off, and keep it going while you wait (wasting power and in some cases battery life). However, this one has a pause button, the answer we’ve all been waiting for to this little dilemma. Hit the pause button to take a rest, and then when you hit it again the intelligent machine will pick up exactly where you left off!
  •  Sleeves can be changed. Interchangeable sleeves allow you to change the look of the sleeve from a pussy hole opening or a pair of lips (mouth lips I mean). So depending on your mood, you can get what you like.
  •  Super easy to clean. This is so important. There have been blowjob machines I’ve had to throw away in the past because after one or two uses they start to develop a smell because it’s impossible to clean all the cracks and grooves. With this blowjob simulator, the sleeve comes right out so it’s super simple to clean with just soap and water, keeping everything nice and hygienic.
  •  10 different speeds. To make sure you’re getting exactly the experience you need for a good masturbation session, you can choose from 10 different speeds. Take your time and experiment with all of them to see what’s going to get you the best explosion.
  •  Internet-connected features. The new Autoblow A.I.+ comes with a mobile app that lets you control all the action from your phone. It seriously adds to the whole hands-free experience and makes it much easier to customize your dream BJ! If you just need to get off quickly, simply use the app like a remote control. Then, you can switch between 10 different blowjob experiences on the fly. However, if you want to get even deeper into it (pun intended!), you can use the app to tweak the settings even further or rearrange the order of the blowjob patterns.
  •  Blowjob library. The Autoblow A.I.+ app also lets you access a full blowjob library that offers dozens of bonus blowjob modes and also allows you to save them for offline use.
  •  On-board voice control. Did you know you can control the Autoblow A.I.+ with your voice? Oh yeah, suck it, baby! The A.I.+ gives you a super-intuitive voice control mode that boosts interactivity and makes your whole adventure even more realistic!
  •  Long-distance play. Using the A.I.+ app, you can allow someone else to control your experience for you. That means your long-distance partner can give you the hottest blowjob even if they’re miles away from you!
  •  High quality. You can tell that this thing is made to last. No cheap materials and cut-corners here. It’s built tough.
  •  Accessories aren’t included. You don’t NEED to have the different sleeves I suppose, but I do find it a nice touch to change things up a bit since I use this blowjob simulator as often as possible. It would be nice if at the price that it’s at, they included more than one sleeve, but you can buy them separately so it’s not a huge deal.
  •  Can’t use in the water. I guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too, right? You also can’t have a hands-free, automatic blowjob machine that never needs batteries – and then bring it in the shower for a bit of extra fun. (Hello electrocution). So that for me is a bit of a downer since I love playing in the shower. But I do have a few non-automated toys for that purpose.
  •  Not exactly discreet. The dick sucking machine is pretty large, so it’s not a discreet play-thing that you can just toss in your nightstand drawer. However, once you see how it feels for yourself, you’re not going to mind finding a nice lined shoe box for storage purposes. Heck, I’d buy this thing it’s own bedside table or whatever it needed, since it feels so good. It’s all worth it!
  •  It’s almost too good. Since experiencing this incredible A.I. technology in the form of a robotic blowjob machine, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to the real thing! I mean, obviously the hard machine has got nothing on a woman’s curves, but still. It’s giving these women a run for their money, that’s for sure!

Things You Need To Know When Buying This Blowjob Toy

Blowjob Machines

What type of lube is best?

Water-based lube, all the way. Lubricant is a very important part of enjoying your blowjob machine because it ensures that you stay comfortable, and also gives you that oh-so-good feeling of wetness. That being said, it’s also important to stay away from silicone or oil-based lubricants. The realistic skin-like material can be damaged by these types, so stick to the water-based.

How do I clean it?

This part is so easy. Simply remove the sleeve and wash it gently with warm water and a delicate soap. You can also get a special toy cleaner if you want to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. Again, you want to make sure you don’t damage the beautiful texture of the sleeve. And once it’s washed, be sure that it’s completely dry before storing it, or you won’t like what you find when you open it again next time.

Is there a particular way in which I need to store it?

Just make sure it’s dry and clean before putting it away so that bacteria doesn’t grow, and so that it doesn’t get stuck together. Other than that, just find a nice storage space like a shoe box with an old t-shirt in the bottom.

Most importantly, what does it feel like?

It. Feels. So. Damn. Good. Seriously. I was skeptical when I first started trying these blowjob machines out – because come on – there’s nothing out there that feels as good as a real blowjob, amiright? But I’ll have to hand it to the fellas that created this thing – it’s pretty damn close! All that time analyzing porn seems to have paid off. The Autoblow A.I.+ provides incredibly realistic movements and sensations, and the smooth, wet interior – well, it’s something you’ll just really have to try for yourself.

Speaking from my own experience…

The first time I tried it, it honestly wasn’t the best experience. But that’s because I barely lasted a minute. I was so overcome with the sensations that I couldn’t contain myself. Literally.

I mean, at that point I had already tried a ton of different toys, and so I thought I knew what I was in for, but this is the point when my life changed. When I realised that there really ARE toys out there that feel almost exactly like the real thing. The downside I guess, is that’s it’s not really a sexy looking toy (the orifice excluded) as it’s a fairly large, plastic-feeling tube. But don’t they always say something like ‘it’s what’s inside that counts’? And that couldn’t be more true for the Autoblow A.I..+ It really does stand miles apart from the other blowjob masturbators.




So, now that you’ve read all that, are you still on the fence about whether or not this blowjob simulator is right for you? Do you think that you’re too cool for a sex toy? Do you think only women have the luxury of using these things?

Think again. Whether you’re getting sex on the (semi) regular or not, this automatic blowjob machine most definitely has a place in your life. I mean come on, when you’re with a partner, how often does it get to be ALL ABOUT YOU? And how often do you get to have sex whenever you want? Let’s be honest, sex is always on her terms, am I right? And besides. I’m telling you, the blowjob I got from this dick sucking machine was (on many occasions) the best BJ I’ve ever gotten. Plus, I’ve even used it in the bedroom WITH some of the women I’ve been with. (That was a fun time.).

So look, maybe you’re still on the fence, but the moment you lube up and feel that slippery, smooth, skin-like texture you’re going to thank me for giving you a little push in the right direction.


2nd PlaceElegant Design

Kiiroo Onyx+

Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Machine

The Kiiroo looks more like some high-tech speaker or computer gadget than an automatic blowjob machine, so if you’re looking for something discreet, this is not a bad choice. It’s basically a rather large, black rectangular shape that could, at first glance, be mistaken for a speaker. Now, if someone decided to try and use it, they would find out very quickly that it’s something else entirely, but it could definitely be tucked up on your closet shelf without much worry of someone seeing it.

Use Promo Code 'BESTBLOWJOB' To Get 15% Off Your Order - Click Here

The Technology Behind The Onyx+ Automatic Blowjob Machine

The Kiiroo Onyx+ isn’t just designed to LOOK high-tech, it actually is. When you first get the device, you need to charge it up. It works off of an internal rechargeable battery. The initial charge apparently takes 4-6 hours, although I just plugged it in and went to sleep so I don’t know how long it actually took. The manufacturers say that it lasts an hour on one charge, but so far I haven’t always seen that. I think it most definitely depends on how you’re using. According to the manual, the speed can reach up to 140 strokes per minute. So if you’re going full blast the whole time, don’t expect it to last for an hour. That being said… if YOU can last for an hour with that baby on high speed, it might be time to call the Guinness Books. For me, the high speed is needed only in very small doses. So for the most part, it lasts as long as I need it to as long I remember to recharge it after each use.

But where the technology really gets going is the Kiiroo Onyx+ app for your phone. Upon unpackaging the blowjob device there are detailed instructions on how to download the app and sync up with it. This allows you to connect to a partner’s toy, or you can purchase virtual reality porn videos to use with it. Now, I’m a huge fan of adding porn to any masturbation session as I’ve already mentioned. But this takes it a bit further. Basically, what you see is what you get. Or, supposedly. The idea is, that when you say, see a girl deep-throating a man on screen, you feel that same deep-throat sensation. If she’s riding you fast and hard, you feel that too. And it’s fun. However, virtual reality in all of its different genres needs improvement. We are at the beginning of the technology. So while it is pretty fun, you do have to pay for each new video you download and watch, and so it can get expensive if you like variety like myself. Just something to keep in mind.

Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Toy Bluetooth Connection

The Most Important Part Of This Blowjob Robot – The Feeling

Okay, so it’s pretty cool as far as the technology goes. But looks + technology does not necessarily = a pleasurable time. The feeling is, of course, the most important part. So let’s get down to it.

Similar to the A.I., it has a sleeve that slips inside the device that is made out of a very soft, realistic material. It does only come in one size, but it fits me great, so I can’t complain. That being said, however, I can’t speak for all of you men out there, since as we all know, each one of us comes with a different shape and size… but like I said, for me it fits perfectly. Once you’ve lubed up, the sensations against the skin-like material are pretty awesome. And by awesome I mean pretty realistic, and incredibly pleasurable.

Visit the official website and get 15% Off - Use 'BESTBLOWJOB' Promo Code

Behind the sleeve there are a bunch of moving parts. I don’t know exactly how it works, but it does a pretty good job of imitating the feeling of a blow job, or sex, or however you want to make it seem in your mind. And just like all of these oral sex simulators, they’re great for building your stamina. Because you’re in complete control it’s a great time to practice getting yourself to the point JUST BEFORE climax, and then pull out or shut down the motor. Do it again and again until you finally release and not only will you have an incredible orgasm, but you’ll be building up some crazy stamina. Trust me. Your partner is going to LOVE that ‘side effect’.

But of course, that’s something that you can do well with any of these blowjob robots really. It just depends on which one you like most. The only real negative point that I have with this device is that it’s a bit heavy, weighing in at 1.3kg or almost 3lbs – which is fine if you’re just planning on using it at home. But I travel a fair bit and I usually do carry-on luggage only – where the max. Weight is 7kg or 15lbs which means that with that AND my laptop, I’m almost at capacity. So, it’s really only good for at-home use which is a bit disappointing. But at the same time, I guess I kind of knew that from the beginning.

In Conclusion…

If you’re looking for a toy that feels great, and is also sleek and discreet in design, then this might be a good choice for you. If you love technology, and think you’ll actually use it, then definitely grab this device. However, if you don’t think you’ll actually bother setting up the app and using it that way, then I don’t know if it’s worth the extra cash. If you DO think you’ll hook up the technology, then I say it’s the best blowjob masturbator on the market with this kind of technology.



3rd PlaceRealistic Masturbation Sessions

Kiiroo Titan

Kiiroo Titan Review Cover

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex with Tanya Tate or Jessica Drake? What about Jasmine Jae, would she be more up your alley? If you’ve answered yes to either of these, which, c’mon, I know you did, you’re in dire need of Kiiro’s best blowjob machine – the Titan.

So What Is This Majestic Titan You Speak Of?

The Titan is one of Kiiroo’s latest blowjob machines that promises a unique experience with every stroke. Instead of a plain old silicone sleeve, Kiiroo put nine vibrating bullets inside that are made of TPE.

You can adjust these bad boys and choose between any of the six pulsation patterns. Basically, depending on which setting you choose, this blowjob device can go anywhere from a quaint little hummer all the way to a warhead. As a side note, for a male sex toy with nine motors and bullets, the Titan is pretty quiet.

When you take the toy out of the box, you’ll notice that it has three touch-sensitive pads. These buttons help you alternate between the six different modes: Targeted, Targeted power, Auto, Blow, Pulse and Endurance.

Of course, for the sake of science, I tested all of the different patterns, but the two that blew me away (pun intended) were Blow and Endurance. But if you decide to get this blowjob simulator, I urge you to try every pulsation pattern. See what works for you and mix it up once in a while.

With that said, even though Titan is one of the best blowjob machines from Kiiroo, I haven’t even gotten to the best part – the interactive features.

The Interactive Experience

Let’s just get this out there – I love porn. I love watching, listening, and masturbating along. So as soon as I saw that I could sync up the Titan with my favorite videos, I had to click the Buy Now button right away.

Of course, you know that I had to see if it actually works and test it out. Not only does the Titan work, but I was actually able to beat my meat with Asa Akira and Lisa Ann. That was probably one of the best things to ever happen in my solo sex life.

In addition to syncing up with interactive performers, Titan also lets you connect to 2D and 3D videos. If you have a VR headset, you can use it together with the Titan for a mind-blowing POV experience. Honestly, there’s no blowjob like a POV VR blowjob. Luckily, no matter what you’re into, you’ll probably be able to find it on the FeelPornStars website.

Of course, if you just want a blowjob simulator that you can use with a long-distance partner, the Titan is still an excellent choice. You can get the Kiiroo Titan and Pearl2 couple set and enjoy each other, no matter where you are.

The Kiiroo Titan Specs

Another area where a toy like Titan has the Onyx+ beaten would be the insertable length. That’s because the internal length of the Onyx+ is 6.49 inches, while the Titan lets you go as deep as 7.8 inches. I don’t know what kind of anaconda you’re sporting between your legs, but I’m sure the Titan will be more than accommodating.

The sleeve that encases the nine bullets is, of course, made from body-safe materials and you can pick between three different kinds. There’s the regular that comes with the Titan, the Power sleeve, and the Tight Fit sleeve.

What’s in the Box?

Even though Kiiroo didn’t really go all out for its box, unlike Lelo for its F1s Developer’s Kit, they still didn’t disappoint. In the box, you’ll find the Titan (obviously), as well as a charging cable.

But most importantly, when you buy the Titan, Kiiroo will give you a digital voucher. You can use it to redeem 1,500 points on the FeelPornStars website. These points are enough to get you started and teach you more about the interactive experience.

Of course, if and when you fall in love with the feature and want more playtime with the pornstars, you’ll need to get your credit card out. But trust me, it’s more than worth it. I mean, these are industry professionals, after all.

The Final Verdict on the Kiiroo Titan

As far as blowjob machines go, Kiiroo Titan is definitely up there with the best. The nine bullets pack a punch and stroke your ego like nobody’s business. Basically, this blowjob sex toy can get you from start to finish in under five minutes. And if it takes you more than that to blow a load with the Titan, well, good for you, you’ve got more stamina than me.

But to get the full effect and see what this puppy can do, I recommend using the Titan with a partner or pornstar. Let someone else be in control of the blowjob machine and experience the best virtual Lewinsky of your life.

4th PlaceSmartphone-Controlled

Lovense Max 2

Lovense Max2 Cover

The Lovense Max 2 is another great option if you’re looking for a tech-savvy blowjob machine. The company product page advertises its tech abilities above all else, letting users know that it can be synced to another person’s phone who could be miles away, and all control is then put in the hands of that person. Definitely fun for those time when your partner can’t be around! I did try this feature, but the person who was controlling it was in the same room with me. So technically they didn’t need the technology but the idea of giving up all power over how it feels was pretty awesome.

This makes the feeling so much more realistic because just like real sex or a real blowjob, you just never know what you’re going to get. On that same token, however, it also means that just like real sex, you don’t know if you’re going to get the best release of your life or not. So that’s the one downside.

However, it can also, like the Onyx+, sync up to other toys. Ever been in a long distance relationship? (I have, and I really wish this existed when my long-distance relationship did, because perhaps it could have save us.) But essentially, like the Onyx+, multiple toys can sync up so that you’re both experiencing the same intensity of thrusts and vibrations on your toys – so whether near or far you can stay connected sexually. Pretty sweet, really. And I would say a must-have for any long-distance relationship (not that I’ll ever be in one again, but hey! To each their own, right? 😉

But I think the most unique feature of this toy that I have yet to mention is that it is powered with a unique style of air pump. Yes, it still has to be charged with a USB cord, but the actual technology that moves the shaft is powered by an air pump – and there is a small air vent on the side that you can open and close in order to control the suction. Seems pretty simple, but it’s also pretty ingenious. It feels pretty good actually.

The Lovense Feelings…

Once again we’ve got a generic insert that claims to fit 95%+ of all men. It fit ME, so I can’t really argue with it, but I also can’t vouch for it either. I am only me, afterall. But on that note, for ME it does feel great. It’s got a soft yet firm interior, and it’s very textured. It’s completely different than the smooth sleeves of the Kiiroo Onyx+ and the A.I., and more like the Fleshlights… so it’s really a preference thing I guess. But although this bj machine does have a type of internal automation, it isn’t quite as strong as either of the aforementioned blowjob machines.

It’s a also quite a bit cheaper than both, so if you’re not ready to make the full commitment to one of the others, then this is a great place to start. There are three air pump settings and seven vibration settings, so there is a decent amount of variety to be had. It’s very easy to control. Especially if you let someone else do it for you 😉

They’ve had a few older models, and they’ve really come a long way from that first one with this. It’s also “splashproof” which is pretty good. I mean, it’s not fully submersible, but neither are any of the other blowjob machines that I’ve mentioned so far on this list. But splashable means that you can play with it near a water source at least without fear of getting electrocuted or ruining your device. So, that’s a bonus, right?

The only real issue that I have with this toy is that it’s probably the most difficult to clean. The sleeve is very textured inside, and so it makes it difficult to rinse out, with stuff getting a bit stuck inside. I’d recommend really soaking it and giving it a good shake to get into all the nooks and crannies when you’re cleaning it. Be patient, and really pay attention to how you’re cleaning it. And then of course, let it air dry for a good chunk of time to ensure that the water between the textured pieces has had time to dry. Otherwise, if you put it away like that you’re going to have one hell of a mess when you bring it back out.


5th PlaceDifferent Levels of Tightness

Fleshlight Turbo

Fleshlight Turbo Blowjob Machine

Alright, so this penis sucking machine doesn’t have any internal automation either, but it made the list because it’s got a very unique twist that no other Fleshlight has. The site describes it as ‘three points of initial insertion’ which is honestly confusing to me. But once I stuck my manhood inside, I got the idea. The site also claims to simulate a blowjob, and have some serious deepthroat action – but I don’t really see a difference in the deepthroat action between this Fleshlight and many of their others – once you’re that far in, you’re just in. You’re doing it. You’re getting deepthroated, in my opinion.

So, how did this gadget make my top 5 blowjob machines? It’s mainly because of the tip action. There is this very unique top to the toy where you insert yourself. And if you stick around and play awhile, you’ll find that it’s very similar to someone playing with or teasing the tip of your dick. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll tell you this – it’s definitely worth trying. In fact, it’s the main reason that I was sold on this toy in the first place.

That, and the fact that I can watch my dick sliding in and out of it. The ice-blue color is somewhat see-through and so while you’re jerking off you get to watch yourself, and it’s something that I never THOUGHT I would find as enjoyable as I actually do. It’s such a turn on to see your member throbbing through that clear material. And I don’t know if it looks bigger than it really is, or if I just never realized how big I am.. But this thing makes you feel like a king. And if you’re sitting there thinking ‘watching myself doesn’t turn me on’, I ask you – have you tried it? Because as I said, it’s something that I never thought would turn me on the way that it does. This is one of those blowjob machines that I always have on standby for when I want to switch thing up a little bit.

Not Automatic Blowjob Simulator, But Sexy As Hell

Okay, so this one isn’t an automatic blowjob robot. You do, in fact, have to use your own hand-power to move it and jerk off. I mean, it’s okay SOMETIMES, right? Like I said earlier, Fleshlight has been around for a long time, and their products are good. In fact, pretty damn great. And so while the lack of automation on this toy doesn’t gain it any great ratings, it still stands up as a quality masturbation tool – especially with that tip stimulator. You’ve GOT to give that a try. I’ve not felt another toy that feels like that – so well done to the creators of Fleshlight!

As for cleaning though, I always find Fleshlights to be on the more difficult side. The A.I. and the Kiiroo Onyx+ both have sleeves that just slip right out and can be tossed in warm soapy water to clean thoroughly. Most of the Fleshlights need to be cleaned as is, which makes it a bit more difficult. But if you get a proper tube cleaning “caterpillar” as I like to call them, you should be good. Just make sure it’s not abrasive or you’ll ruin the soft, silky interior.

And one GREAT thing about the fact that it’s not automated is that if you forget to charge any of your other blowjob machines, this is a great backup! It never runs out of power because it’s powered by YOU!


🏷️ Products Reviewed: 30
🥇 Best Product: Autoblow A.I.+
📅 Last updated: July 8, 2024

Your Guide To Buying The Best Blowjob Machine

If you’re still unsure about whether or not you want to buy ANY of these robotic blowjob machines, then I think I’ve done a pretty poor job of conveying the message I had ideally intended. So, in case it wasn’t clear – if you’re not going to commit to the A.I. blowjob robot, you MUST try at least one of these others. Honestly. I never thought that a man-made device could feel so amazing, until of course, I tried the above mentioned toys.

Now, that being said, it wasn’t an easy process finding the ones that were the best. I’ve spent a lot of money over the years trying to find the best simulated blowjob on the market. And that’s why I truly thought it was my duty to bring my findings to the rest of the men out there – so you can focus on pleasure instead of wasted cash.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good blowjob machine for first timers?

If you’re looking for something that’s robotic, or hands-free, then I’d say to check out the Autoblow AI+ . The price is very reasonable, and you’re going to get a very good idea about whether or not a robotic blowjob machine is something that you like. (Side note: I don’t know anyone who actually HASN’T enjoyed it, but that’s up to you to find out.)

However, even though most people are very satisfied with the Autoblow AI+, and it’s a good price, it’s still over $100. So if you’re not willing to put out that kind of cash straight away, then I’d suggest you start with a manual blowjob toy – something like a Fleshlight or Tenga. These are very affordable toys and you’ll be able to get a good feel for how they, well, feel.

Just make sure you’re completely aware of the fact that each toy is different. So if you choose one and you don’t jive with it straight away, don’t’ give up. Notice what it is you don’t know like about it, and then try to find something different in those areas. Guaranteed, there are blowjob toys out there for everyone!

Are blowjob machines safe to use?

Blowjob sex toys are totally safe to use – just make sure you follow any manufacturer’s warnings or instructions for your particular blowjob robot. Obviously, machines that are powered by battery or by being plugged into the wall – these can’t be used in the water. It seems like common sense, but it’s worth saying.

As well, always make sure that you use proper lubricant so that you don’t experience any chafing or pulling of the skin. It’s not unsafe to not use lube, but it definitely doesn’t feel as good and could actually be uncomfortable. Other things to keep in mind are just to ensure that your toy remains in good shape. If you notice any tears, or holes or anything of that sort on the toy then it’s probably best to stop using it – especially if it’s an electronic toy. That could mean that a wire might be exposed, and you could get a shock.

Other than a few common sense things to keep in mind, these toys are very safe to use, and you don’t really have anything to worry about.

Where can I hide my blowjob machine?

This depends entirely on your home which I can’t see – but some of the most common places to hide these machines would be under the bed (not a good option if you’ve got young kids who like to crawl around and be nosy though), the top of the closet, or in bedside table.

I think the most important thing is making sure it’s stored in an unassuming container. That way, even if someone does happen to see it when they’re passing by, they’re not going to know straight away what it is. Some of the toys come with a case that will do the trick, but others don’t.

If you think you might need more camouflage when you’re putting it away, try putting it inside a shoe box or other container that wouldn’t cause any second looks if it was seen laying around. Sometimes hiding it in plain site is the best way to go. If it doesn’t look suspicious, nobody will even notice it.

Are blowjob machines waterproof?

This 100% depends on which model you decide to use. If you’ve got an automatic blowjob machine that’s fueled by either a plug into the wall or by a battery, then no. These toys are not designed to be used in any type of water because, well, electrocution of course.

There are, however, a ton of models that ARE waterproof – but they’re going to be your hand-held, non-automatic ones. A large portion of the Fleshlight line is completely waterproof and they even have a shower mount that you can use for extra fun in the shower. It’s always a good idea to check the packaging of your toy to see what the manufacturer recommends. In some cases it may appear to be waterproof but it’s actually not – and vice versa. So to be on the safe side – keep any powered toys out of the water, and thoroughly check the label and manual on all other toys before bringing them into the water. It’s better to be safe – both for the life of your toy and well, your Johnson too.

Is a realistic blowjob machine better than a real women?

This is really where I think every single man has a different opinion, based on his past experiences. I mean, I’ve had some pretty epic blowjobs from real women, and I’ve also had some equally or possible greater blowjobs from a machine. So who’s to say, really? I guess it depends on the quality of blowjobs you’ve had from women in the past.

What I can say with certainty though is that getting a blowjob from a machine is infinitely less drama. You don’t have to worry about any feelings getting involved – you can get your dick sucked whenever you please and you never have to worry about returning the favour, or trying to hurry up because you can tell she’s getting tired and she’s going to give up soon. Another bonus is that you’re completely in control – so you get it just how you like it, every single time.

You want it fast and hard? Okay, done. You want it soft and slow? Your wish is the machine’s command! You see where I’m going with this?

Are there any hands free blowjob robots?

Yes! There are! The Autoblow AI+ is a great example of a hands-free device. Although a bit large, it does a pretty good job of staying on your penis while you’re getting sucked off by it, so that’s great. It allows you to free up your hands for other pleasure-making activities. Always good.

There are a couple more hands-free blowjob machines that I would recommend too. One is the Kiiroo Onyx+ and the other is the Fleshlight Launch. Both also do a great job of (mainly) staying in the right spot while they suck you off too.

If you’re serious about getting the most pleasure possible out of a blowjob sex toy, then hands-free is definitely the way to go. When you don’t even have to move your hand back and forth, it’s crazy how much more realistic the whole experience feels. You can just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!

Can I use blowjob simulators if I’m uncircumcised?

Absolutely. Just like in ‘real life’, an uncircumcised guy and a circumcised guy can both get their penis sucked by a woman, and so they can absolutely get it sucked by one of these blowjob machines. Of course, just be careful of where the skin is so that it doesn’t get caught between your penis and the machine which could be uncomfortable. Your best bet is to get yourself nice and hard first, then lube up and away you go.

It’s never a good idea to try to insert a flacid penis into one of these machines, but even more so in your case. So as long as you do it the way I just explained there won’t be any issues. As usual though, I always recommend a generous amount of lubricant to ensure that things go smoothly. But there is absolutely no reason why being uncircumcised should ever stop you from using any of these oral sex simulators.

Are there any luxury blowjob toys?

Absolutely there are! I would say the top two luxury machines would be the Autoblow AI+, and the Kiiroo Onyx+. Both of these machines are going to give you an experience that you could never have dreamed of. The Autoblow AI+ has an industrial strength motor that is said to last up to 500 hours of playtime. I haven’t been calculating exactly, but I do know that I use it a lot – and it still seems brand new to me! It’s a great quality machine, easy to use, and you’re going to love it. I’m telling you.

The Kiiroo Onyx+ is another good option if you’re looking for luxury. This one has technology that works with it to give you a virtual reality experience – where it seems as though you’re actually having sex with the woman on your computer screen – so that’s pretty luxury I guess if you’re into that. But if you don’t think you’ll use the technology, then it’s probably not worth the extra cost.

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

I also answer reader questions – so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything.

Check my archives to see what other people have asked too, maybe someone had the same problem you did. I’ve been writing for a while, so go ahead and explore my site – I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, and if not, let me know!

Find out more about me here.

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