Your One-Stop Fleshlight Sex Toy Review Shop Is Right Here

Fleshlight Sex Toy Cover

Have you heard of Fleshlight? I hope so. But if not, don’t worry about it too much, as I’m about to dive headfirst into a comprehensive review of some of their top products. You see, Fleshlight is one of the pioneers of the male sex toy movement. Since about 1998 when they launched their first product, they’ve been one of the market leaders when it comes to quality male sex toys. The original Fleshlight sex toy is now referred to as the Fleshlight Pink Lady – but we’ll get into that in more detail shortly.

Feel free to skip ahead: show chapters

First, Let’s Answer the Question ‘What is a Fleshlight Sex Toy?’

The name Fleshlight is a play off the word flashlight, since the creators did their best to have the outer casing of the toy look like your average flashlight. However, when you unscrew the cap, you’ll find any one of a number of Fleshlight sleeves inside. These sleeves are, of course, where you stick your manly cuke. Your Willy Nelson. Your Johnson. Got it?

The original device came with just one Fleshlight sleeve but that was a long time ago. Since then the people at Fleshlight have come up with so many different variations that I can’t even count them. Internally, each one is made from a unique, realistic skin-like material that is honestly quite similar to the feeling of being inside an actual woman. And they’ve got a ton of different units to choose from. From interchangeable sleeves to unique standalone units, there is definitely a Fleshlight out there that fits each individual’s needs. But for many, it can be daunting when you first begin your search for the best Fleshlight for the same reason that most people love them – there are so many choices! That’s why I’ve done the back-breaking, painstaking work of trying out most of the different styles so that I can bring back my experience for you, fellow readers, in the form of this Fleshlight review.

In just a moment, I’m going to break down my top 5 favorites in the Fleshlight sex toy family. But before I do, I think it’s important to understand how to use a Fleshlight in the first place. For those of you who have used one before, skip ahead. Show-offs.

I Know How It Works - Take Me To The List Now

How to Use a Fleshlight 101

Okay, so all Fleshlights have their own unique talents, from the vibrating Fleshlight to the Stamina Training Units – but overall, they all work in a pretty similar manner which I will outline below.

Unless you’ve got a vibrating Fleshlight, or have picked up the Fleshlight Launch (too much to explain here, but I did write a whole page on it if you’re interested) then the majority of Fleshlights are hand-held, hand-powered devices without much of the fancy bells and whistles – making them a cinch to use, and a great go-to especially if you travel a lot, etc.

So… here we go.

  • Step 1: If you’re like me, the first step involves choosing the Fleshlight that you want to use from your massive arsenal of sex toys. If you’re like most other people who have, say, just 1 Fleshlight, then choose that one. Pick it up, and let’s get going.
  • Step 2: Take off the cap.
  • Step 3: Pick up your favorite lube and slather it on your Johnson. Okay, maybe slather is not the right word – you don’t have to go crazy. But just, you know, lube it up.
  • Step 4: Insert said Johnson into your Fleshlight sex toy. Stroke it up and down, back and forth, go fast or slow, whatever you’re feeling in that moment. This is all about you man. Enjoy it.
  • Step 5: If this is your first time using one of these, you’re going to need to take a second and marvel at how amazing that was. Let all self-judgement go. No doubt you’re thinking, “I can’t believe I came that fast!” but don’t worry – it happens to the best of us when we first find one of these things.
  • Step 6: Clean your Fleshlight. I know it sounds like a great way to ruin the mood, but the quicker you get your load outta that thing, the easier it is going to be to clean. So give yourself a minute or two to bask in the glory of what just happened, and then clean it up.
  • Step 7: Try again. You know you want to.

And that pretty much sums it up. As I mentioned, the first time is going to be pretty intense. It’s very tight, it’s very slippery, and it’s very amazing.

However, if you’re a bit more seasoned with the use of blowjob simulators like I am, I suggest that you throw on some porn at the same time. Seriously, it makes the whole experience so much better and really boosts that realism – like someone is actually down there sucking your cock. Sweeeeeeet.


As Promised in This Fleshlight Review, I Will Now Divulge all the Info You Need About My Top 5 Picks for Fleshlight Sex Toys.

Here it is. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. From a man who has tried so many sex toys for men that he lost count, I will share with you my 5 favorite toys from Fleshlight.

1st PlaceEditor's Pick

Fleshlight Quickshot

Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage Cover

The most obvious uniqueness that the Quickshot offers, is the size of the actual device. It’s super short. Kind of like a stubby little doughnut. The idea behind this particular Fleshlight is that your member actually sticks into one side, and shoots out the other. Literally. Shoots out the other.

With most Fleshlight sleeves you’re going to cum INSIDE the sleeve. And there are definitely pros to that, but also a con or two. When you can fit your entire member inside the sleeve, it’s going to feel a little bit more like you’re being deep-throated with that tightness around the tip of your cock. However, the Quickshot seriously doesn’t disappoint. Even tho the head of your Willy Nelson goes straight through to the other side of the toy, there’s an incredible sensation as it exits that tight hole on the opposite side of the toy. In fact, it’s so unique and so incredible, that I’ve actually placed the Quickshot at the top of my list here. So that’s saying something, right?

The Quickshot comes in two different styles: The Quickshot Boost and the Quickshot Vantage. Both feel great – but as usual, I always tend to enjoy the clear or translucent masturbators because I have learned that I thoroughly enjoy watching my dick slide in and out. There’s something strangely erotic about the whole experience, and I suggest that every male out there experience it.

The Best Way to Use the Fleshlight Quickshot

For me, the Quickshot allows me to imagine jizzing all over a woman’s breasts, stomach, face and more. Because it shoots out the other side when I cum, I can easily imagine all of those scenarios which really turns me on. And the best way to allow these fantasies to feel even more realistic? Why put on some porn of course! If you’re looking for realism, put on a video of cum shots, and join the ranks when you finally release! Trust me, it’s pretty hot.

You’ll also want to ensure that you have a lube that you enjoy. I know I mentioned it above, but seriously – lubrication is very important. Just make sure that you’re using a water-based lubricant so that you don’t damage or ruin the soft, realistic material that lines the inside of these precious toys.

Also don’t be afraid to get creative with these things. It’s all about you, so get yourself into different positions and try things out! It’s going ot make the experience so much more pleasurable than just always lying down on the couch or bed. It’s not got batteries or anything holding you back, so go exploring! Be adventurous!

Clean Up.

This is one of the easiest masturbators for men to clean up since there is a hole on both ends, and it’s actually intended for you to ejaculate OUTSIDE of the toy (so of course, make sure you’ve got some towels hand). But once you’re finished, you can simply rinse the toy with warm soapy water. Just make sure that you let the Quickshot dry completely before storing. You don’t want musty water inside the next time you go to sue it.

How Does it Feel?

This is obviously the most important part, right? I mean – come on. It can look any way it wants really. And even if it were difficult to clean, if it felt truly amazing, then who cares, right?

Well, I’ll tell you right now, the Quickshot is one of the best-feeling Flehslight sleeves out there on the market right now. The inside is lined with thick ribs and bumps that you can really feel upon insertion. I find that some of the other toys that have less-deep grooves and bumps don’t provide as much pressure. Again though, this is obviously personal preference, but for me this one really hits the spot!

Now, I’m used to the regular-sized Fleshlights, so I wasn’t as comfortable with it in my hand at first, but I quickly got used to it, and think it’s a perfect-sized handful and I can be free with it, switching it up each moment to provide different experiences. In fact, now that I’ve gotten used to this size I shape I dare say that I might actually like it better? Or equal. Let’s just say – it’s pretty sweet, and you’ll enjoy yourself.

You’ll also be happy to hear that this amazing toy is just a fraction of the price of other Fleshlights. So if you’re new to this whole blowjob toy thing, then this is a great place for you to start without having to invest too much of your hard-earned money. You’ll be able to get a good feel for whether or not this is something that suits your personal desires, and then go from there, choosing which toys suit you best.



2nd PlaceStamina Training Unit

Flehslight STU

Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit (STU) Cover

Wondering what STU stands for? Take a look at the video ad that Fleshlight has on their site for this product. It features an incredibly hot chick on a treadmill. This guy hops onto a treadmill next to her, clearly attracted to her. The chick keeps increasing her speed, and the guy keeps trying to match it. She’s not even breaking a sweat, and suddenly the guy falls flat on his face and flies off the treadmill. Text that reads, “Can’t keep up with her?” floods the screen.

I thought it was pretty hilarious. What a great way to portray an X-rated situation so clearly in a G-rated commercial. And it’s a situation that so many of us men struggle with! When that woman we’re with wants to keep going, and isn’t even close to reaching orgasm, and we blow our load. Game over. Disappointment for her, shame for us. We’ve all been there, right?

Well in case you hadn’t figured it out yet, STU stands for stamina training unit. “BECOME A SEX GOD” is their tagline for the STU, as the idea for this specific Fleshlight sleeve is to help you last longer.

Now, you’re probably thinking – didn’t you say we could do that with all of these masturbators? And yes. You’re correct, I did say that. But the STU has been designed specifically with this in mind. And so they’ve created an incredibly tight, incredibly exciting Fleshlight sex toy that will really test your limits. If you can last more than a few minutes when you first try this thing, I applaud you. Since I’ve been using it, I’ve noticed a huge difference in how long I can last both with other toys, and of course – with women.

Fleshlight STU Comes in Different Styles

There are two different styles that Fleshlight offers for the stamina training units. The STU: lady and the STU: pure. Internally, you’re going to find that both of these units are very similar – the biggest difference lies in the outer aesthetics. Do you want to stick your dick into a Fleshlight with pussy lips? Or do you prefer no orifice, and just put into a regular, smooth hole?

If you prefer the first option, I suggest you get the lady. Otherwise, the STU: pure is going to be your best bet. Both are made from the original pink-colored realistic skin material that Fleshlight is known for. It’s incredibly smooth, and a real delight on the senses. Only though, when you add lubricant. Otherwise you’re likely to have a sticky, unpleasant situation on your hands. Or well, you know.

Anyway, back to what I was saying… that there are two different styles, and it’s really just about whether or not you want there to be a realistic orifice to stick your manhood into, or if you’d prefer not and leave it up to your own imagination. Both come with a gold casing which is a bit different than the standard black case that comes with most of the Fleshlights on the market.

Most Important Part of the STU Fleshlight Sex Toy Review… How Does it Feel?

It feels incredible. It really does. The company claims that this particular model was made specifically to replicate the feeling of sexual intercourse, and I would say that they did a pretty damn good job. It’s nice and tight, and the ridges and bumps inside are enough to get you off – quick! So when you’re able to keep going with this gadget for any length of time, you KNOW you’re going to be amazing in the sack!

It even comes with an e-guide on how to increase your stamina, with different tips and tricks to make sure you can last as long as possible. My favorite is simply getting myself as close as possible to orgasm, and then pulling out or just stopping mid-stroke. The key is to get as close to orgasm as possible without actually letting yourself go. Then once you’ve relaxed a bit, you can go ahead get back to it. See how many times you can do this. Not only are you building stamina, but the orgasm you have at the end of it is going to be like nothing you’ve ever experienced. SO INTENSE it’s incredible and highly recommended.

Optional Add-On: The VStroker STU

If you’re looking to take your experience even further, they’ve got the VStroker STU that you can use with your Fleshlight STU. It hooks up to your Fleshlight, and then sends signals to your computer. It tracks your stroke lengths and tempo and then syncs it with the VStroker content – so the women on screen are reacting to your exact moments, speeds and desires. It’s a technology like nothing I’ve seen with the other strokers, and it’s pretty sweet. So if you’re looking for a little extra simulus, this is a great addition!


3rd PlaceSleek & Compact

Fleshlight FLIGHT

Fleshlight Flight Collection Cover

If you’re looking for a Fleshlight sex toy that’s a bit more compact, then the FLIGHT is the one you’ll want to get. Not that the regular Fleshlights are huge by any means, and most of them are fairly discreet, but they are still fairly large – and of course, with size comes weight right? So if you’re hoping to throw one of the regular Fleshlights in you carry-on for a business (or pleasure) trip, then it’s going to weigh down your bag.

That’s sort of their selling point I guess, with the name FLIGHT – that it’s good for travel. And I definitely don’t disagree with that pitch. I’ve taken it traveling with me on several occasions and have even joined the mile high club with it. 🙂 I just had it tucked in a toiletries bag, and excused myself to the lavatory. It sure did make the time fly by much faster than usual on a flight, and I now consider myself a member of the mile-high club. Granted, it’s not quite as I expect it would be with a real woman – do you know how small those lavatories are? I think I got the better deal, actually. At least I had room to move around. The lineup outside for the bathroom though did make me laugh as I walked back to my seat, smile plastered on my face.

So, that being said, I enjoy the Fleshlight Flight. But I haven’t tried all three types. I’ve got both the Aviator and the Pilot but have yet to try the Instructor. Because yes, there are three varieties when it comes to the Fleshlight Flight.

The Fleshlight FLIGHT Series

As mentioned, there three different FLIGHT models that Fleshlight has created. But all three have similar design aspects overall. And that is, as I said, a more compact and aerodynamic design with a more discreet case. All three models are made from Fleshlight’s exclusive “SuperSkin” material, which does its very best at mimicking the feel of a real woman – of which of course, they do a damn good job. When the life-like ‘skin’ is met with a bit of lube on your member, the sensations are incredible – as you know already if you’re a Fleshlight fan from their previous models.

Where each model differs, however, is when it comes to the internal Fleshlight sleeve. Each one is fitted with different textures and snugness – so whether you’re looking for a bumpy, turbulent ride, or a smooth sail, these FLIGHTS have got you covered.

Breaking Down the 3 Types of FLIGHT Fleshlight Sex Toys

Okay, so as I literally JUST mentioned – there are three different models for the Fleshlight Flight, and I’ll take you through them now.

Fleshlight Flight: Aviator

The Aviator is clear – so that’s something right there that sets it apart from the others. For those of you who love to see yourself in action, this is a great option just for that one detail on its own. The internal sleeve of the Aviator is basically pretty tight all the way through and is ‘lined with pleasure rings’ as Fleshlight calls them. I don’t know exactly what to call them, but they feel pretty awesome. It’s definitely textured, but it’s not overkill, for those of you aren’t keen on the really deep textures.

Fleshlight Flight: Pilot

The Pilot is very sophisticated looking in its black, discreet and aerodynamic container. This is for those of you looking for a bumpier flight if you catch my drift. The tunnel has got different widths as you go, so it’s a lot different than the Aviator which is just really nice and snug all the way. You’ll definitely be able to feel the different in the tightness as you go, and those bumps and ridges just make everything that much more enjoyable.

Fleshlight Flight: Instructor

So out of all of the Fleshlight sleeves in the Flight series, this is going to be your smoothest ride. If you’re looking for more of a sensual experience, then this is the Flight Fleshlight for you. Of course, I haven’t actually tried this one (yet) but since the website has been spot-on in describing the two that I HAVE, I will assume that they’re correct on this one too.

Overall, I’d have to say that the entire Flight series is pretty sweet. Especially if you’re someone who cares about have a smaller, more discreet toy around the house, office or in your suitcase – then I think you’re really going to love this series.


4th PlaceCompletely See-Through

Fleshlight ICE

Fleshlight Ice Collection Cover

If you’ve been paying attention to my Fleshlight reviews – or rather, my sex toy reviews in general – then you’ve likely noticed that any time I have the opportunity to watch my cock inside a toy, I’m a pretty happy guy. Which is why one might also think that I would have put this Fleshlight sex toy a little higher up on the list – after all, this is the only Fleshlight series that is completely see-through. Not translucent, but just completely transparent.

And I will say that I do love it. I think it’s pretty rad, and me and the Ice have had many hours of play time. The only thing that ranks it lower on my list, is that while it has three different options, it’s only the outside aesthetics that really change – the orifice only. The inner Fleshlight sleeve is the same on all three models. Granted, it’s a pretty sweet sleeve, but I just think more could have been done to differentiate the three.

The three Fleshlight Ice Models are:

Fleshlight Ice Lady
Fleshlight Ice Butt
Fleshlight Ice Pure

As one might be able to guess from this, one has an entrance that looks like a pussy. The other looks like you’re entering the butt. And the third is their non-orifice entrance that looks simply like a small, round hole for the entrance. Inside though, they’re all the same – or as least as far as I can tell. In other toys you’ll often find that the butt is a bit tighter with a smaller entrance, or well, you know what I mean. But as far as I can tell they’re really all the same. That being said, they’re great. And you get to watch yourself. So once can’t really complain. However, this is supposed to a Fleshlight review, and so I’m trying to give you as much real info as possible.

The Fleslight Ice Series – ALL THE FEELS

Just as it is with the Fleshlight series’, the Ice series toys are made from the SuperSkin material that Fleshlight has become famous for. So you know it’s going to feel pretty amazing, just from that alone.

Getting the Most out of the see-through Fleshlight

If you like watching yourself inside your toy, then the Ice series is going to rock your world. If that’s not something you care about, then you’d might as well choose something else. For those of you out there that are still interested in the Ice, then let’s talk about how to get the most out of this transparent material, shall we?

  • Tip 1: Use lubricant. Not only will this increase the sexy visual effects, but it’s going to make sure that you’re feeling amazing too. I can’t stress it enough guys – I’ve seen so many Fleshlight reviews online where guys are talking about how they don’t lube. Like “I don’t need it man.” Why? You’re not proving anything to anyone guys, except that you can give your dick a nice road rash.. So just use the lube. Plus, when it’s nice a wet, sliding around inside, you’re going to love the way it looks through the transparent Fleshlight.
  • Tip 2: Play around with stroke speed. Chances are you’re going to do this anyways, to see what gives you the most pleasurable sensations, but you’re going to be impressed with how changing the speed changes the way your cock looks too. Try turning it a bit, and going real slow. It looks like your manhood is growing like crazy inside, and what’s hotter than knowing you’ve got a cock all the women will be dying for – am I right?
  • Tip 3: Get creative with your positions. Move around, try different positions. Act like you’re doing it doggy-style, or sit at your desk, or even do it in your car if you’re daring! (Be careful not to break any laws if you’re going to give this a try.) And just see how it looks in all the different positions. You’ll probably be surprised by just how different it does look in all of these different positions.

Overall, the Ice Series is a Winning Series.

I mean, it did make it to my top 5 Fleshlight Sleeves, so that’s got to be saying something right? From a company with more variations than I care to count… They’ve all got a great combination of ribs and textures inside, and the tightness is perfect for me. Of course, not all will feel the same way – but for me it’s right up there with the best of them. Plus, need I remind you that I like to watch? If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.

5th PlaceThe Original

Fleshlight PINK LADY (The original, baby!)

Fleshlight Classic Pink Lady Cover

You’ll always remember your first time, right? The Fleshlight Pink Lady series is a throwback to the very first, original Fleshlight that came out waaaaay back in the day. Now, Fleshlight has come a long way since they first began producing sex toys – including better materials, ergonomics, etc. So this isn’t EXACTLY the original masturbation sleeve, but it’s pretty damn close. It’s the new and improved original Fleshlight sex toy if you like.

What Makes the Original so Special?

Well, for some of us (like myself) the feeling of nostalgia definitely doesn’t hurt. But that alone can’t put a Fleshlight in my top 5. So what is it that I love about these? I love this series because it’s simple. It’s back to the basics. Don’t get me wrong. I love all the textures and varying widths – tightening or loosening its grip as you make your way down the shaft – it’s great! But sometimes there’s something to be said about simplicity.

With the Pink Lady series, there are three models to choose from Basically, you’re choosing which orifice you’d like to enter. Pussy, mouth or butt. The choice is yours, my friends – whichever you like. (How many times will you hear that in your life?! haha!) But inside, they’re all the same Fleshlight sleeves. No intense bumps or ribbing here – it’s smooth sailing for the Pink Lady.

This particular sleeve is actually great for those men who are more sensitive. If you’ve got one with added textures, it’s easy to blow your load before you want to. With this, you can take your time and let the pleasure last longer. Because it’s not as intense, it’s also a great tool for those guys who are just looking to increase their stamina. A nice easy way of training yourself for the marathon.

Learning How to Use a Fleshlight Sex Toy

Just because we’re talking about the classic Fleshlight design, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be your first experience with a Fleshlight, I get that. However, if this is your first time using a Fleshlight, you’re in for a delightful experience. And even if it’s not your first time, there are some things you need to know when it comes to using these pleasurable gadgets that are going to make things a little more fun.

First, because this particular Fleshlight sleeve is so smooth, go easy on the lube. I mean, it’s not like you can’t wipe some off if you go overboard, but at the same time, it’s best just to know going in that you’re not going to need as much lube as some of the more intricate versions. Too much lube on these guys and it’s going to feel like you’re on a slip n’ slide.

Second, always remember to clean up after your session. The SuperSkin material that these sleeves are made of is a beautiful creation, and you’re going to fall in love with it. That I can bet on. So make sure you take care of it. Don’t use harsh cleaning products, and make sure you don’t let your jizz dry out on the material – it’s going to make the skin-like material break down faster. Instead, wash it within a few minutes of your release and then let it sit to dry completely before storing it away.

Third, don’t be afraid to get creative. This goes for all of the Fleshlight toys as well, but these things are literally made specifically for your pleasure. So let them do their job! Find all sorts of creative ways to play – try watching porn while you jerk it. Or take it to new and exciting places. Even if you have a partner, you’d be naive to think that the Fleshligh doesn’t have a place within your relationship. Because it does. Both you AND your partner can get some serious pleasure out of this. For her, she gets a little assistance to make her job easier, and for you – you get to change things up! You’d be surprised at how many women actually enjoy watching their partner use a sex toy. I mean, you think it’s hot when she does it, right? So keep that in mind.

Don’t Fix What Ain’t Broken.

You know that saying… don’t fix what ain’t broke. That’s probably why the Classic Pink Lady Fleshlight series is still so popular. The Fleshlight creators did a magical thing all those years ago, and they created one of the most-loved, most popular, basic male sex toys on the market – and I don’t see that changing any time soon. So that’s why it’s so nice to just go back to the basics – to really revel in what the Fleshlight originally was – what it originated as.

It’s also a really great tool for those who are just getting used to the idea of male masturbation sleeves in the first place. As I mentioned, the smooth inner sleeve is great for those starting out because it’s not overly intense – which can actually be intimidating for some men when they can barely keep it contained for 2 minutes because the sensations are so strong.

So, whether you’re looking for a starter toy, want to slowly increase your stamina, want to add some variety to your arsenal of existing sex toys, or simply want to throw it back to the old school days – the the Pink Lady series is perfect! It’s one of those toys that no matter what new ones I get, I keep coming back to this one time and time again. After all, don’t fix what ain’t broke.


🏷️ Products Reviewed: 37
🥇 Best Product: Fleshlight Quickshot
📅 Last updated: July 8, 2024

Fleshlight Sex Toy FAQ’s

Can I get a STD from using a Fleshlight toy?

For most people, a fleshlight toy is something that you use by yourself, and keep it for yourself. In which case, you wouldn’t be able to catch anything from yourself – you see where I’m going with this?

That being said though, if you plan on sharing your sex toy with anyone – partner, friend, roommate, whoever – if they have certain STDs there is chance that you could catch it if you use it after. However, not all STDs can be transmitted without skin-to-skin contact, so it really depends on what STD the person has that you’re sharing the toy with. It’s recommended that if you know that someone you’ve been having sexual relations with has any type of STD, then you should contact your doctor to find out how to proceed.

However, in most cases as I said, these sex toys are only for the use of one person in which case you absolutely can’t catch an STD because if you had it, well, you’d already have it so you can’t catch it from yourself.

Can I get through airports with a fleshlight sex toy?

This depends largely on which fleshlight you’re trying to bring with you – and of course, where you’re going. Believe it or not, sex toys are illegal in certain places around the world – so you’ll want to check that out before you attempt to bring anything through.

Other than that, your ability to bring a fleshlight on the plane depends entirely on what toy it is. There are something that require batteries, and certain types of batteries aren’t allowed in carry-on luggage. Others aren’t allowed in checked luggage – so make sure you find out the specific details for your flight.

So once you’ve got that sorted out and know what the regulations are, you can rest assured that most of the male sex toys will be fine on the airplane. Especially the ones that don’t have any automation at all. In fact, they can be quite fun companions to have on the airplane, and you may just find yourself becoming a member of the Mile High Club.

What is the legal age to buy a sex toy?

As with all sex toys, pornography and anything else related to this field, you must be the age of majority – 18 years old. That is pretty much the standard around the world, but it’s always best to check the details for your specific location as sometimes it can vary.

And don’t forget that some places, even in the United States consider purchasing and owning sex toys at all illegal. So be sure you always know the laws, and abide by them.

Can I bring my fleshlight to Qatar or UAE?

It’s best to steer clear of this. Sex toys are prohibited in the UAE, and Qatar could really be hit or miss depending on who you get at border control – and that’s not really something I’m willing to take a chance with.

I’ve read many different stories when it comes to this – from people being questioned and harassed by border control, even imprisoned, to others who claim they’ve brought them in many times without trouble. But again, it’s not something I would chance. A lot of online sex toy shops won’t ship to these countries, and so I take that as a sign that I shouldn’t try bringing them in if I were to go there. It’s not worth the risk for me while on vacation. I mean, if you’re planning on living there – then I think it’s worth asking some locals for advice to see what the rules are on the ground leave.

Can I use my fleshlight masturbator in the shower or hot tub?

Is it powered by electricity? If so, no. You can’t bring it in any type of water. It is powered by your own hand? If so, then there’s a good chance you can bring it into the water. I hope it’s clear why you can’t bring electric blowjob machines into the water – but if not, I’ll let you know it’s because you’ll get electrocuted.

Now, most fleshlights can most likely go into the water – but it’s always a good idea to check the packaging of your own specific toy just to be sure. But if you’re holding what looks like basically a tube of realistic skin material or rubber, then that should be fine. The Fleshlight series’ are actually compatible with a shower mount – specifically designed to help you get the most pleasure in the shower. So look for ones that fit with that, and you’re good to go.

Should I use condoms with my sex toy?

Unless you particularly enjoy the feeling of wearing a condom, then no. Don’t wear a condom with the male sex toy. If you’re the like 0.01% of men who actaully prefer to wear a condom, you’re going to have to ensure you get a very natural one – as the latex that the majority of condoms are made from can actually harm the skin-like material of your sex toy.

So basically, don’t wear a condom. The purpose of a condom is to protect against pregnancy and STDs – and you can’t get your sex toy pregnant, and they typically only sleep with you – so you’re pretty safe on that one. It’s going to feel amazing to be condom-less, trust me. So enjoy it now when you can. Because your next sex partner is probably going to want to use a condom.

What should I purchase alongside my masturbator?

The number one thing that you’re going to want to have with your male masturbator is a good quality, water-based lubricant. Because of the material that is used to make the majority of these toys, any oil or silicon-based lubricants are going to damage the toy, decreasing its lifespan. Water-based lubricant is always a safe choice as it is very gentle on the toy and it cleans up much more easily.

And that brings me to the second most important thing you’ll want to purchase with your sex toy. When you’re cleaning your sex toy, it’s important that you use a gentle, antibacterial cleanser. You can use a gentle hand soap if you wish, but if you’re really keen to keep the material of your sex toy as nice as possible for as long as possible, I do recommend purchasing special sex toy cleaner. It’s going to ensure that the beautiful, realistic skin-like material stays in great condition and will help prolong your toy’s lifespan.

Can I last longer in bed by using a fleshlight sex toy?

I’ve got great news for you – YES! You can! That is one of the key benefits to using these toys. I mean, other than the obvious – that it feels incredible!

There are actually specific toys that are designed for this purpose – but you can really increase your stamina with any of them. The rate at which you progress may just differ.

So – why can you last longer in bed because you use a male masturbator? It’s simple really. The more you practice, the better you get! If you’re blowing your load too early every time you hook up with a woman, then it’s only going to increase your stress around the situation, make things more awkward, and possibly make things even worse. With a fleshlight sex toy you can practice as often as you want, in the privacy of your own home. You’ll start to build confidence, and because you’re getting such intense pleasure more frequently, you’re going to be able to hold it together better when you’re faced with a real live partner encounter.

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

I also answer reader questions – so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything.

Check my archives to see what other people have asked too, maybe someone had the same problem you did. I’ve been writing for a while, so go ahead and explore my site – I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, and if not, let me know!

Find out more about me here.

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