Getting Better In Bed One Orgasm At A Time – The Fleshlight STU Review

Fleshlight STU Review

There’s literally nothing more embarrassing for a guy than getting in bed with a super hot chick, and then blowing your load way too early. Okay, I guess it’s more embarrassing if you can’t get it up in the first place, but that’s a whole other story. Blowing your load prematurely is not only embarrassing, but it usually means that you’re not going to be hooking up with THAT chick again. All that time spent chasing her down and then you blow your chance. Literally. If this sounds familiar to you, then you’re going to be very happy to see the Fleshlight STU – the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit.

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What is Fleshlight Stamina Training?

It’s pretty self-explanatory I think… by using these Fleshlight products your building up your stamina. In other words, building up your ability to last longer in bed, and actually please your partner! Wouldn’t that be nice?

The Fleshlight STU series is designed specifically to imitate the intense sensations of intercourse – so that you can learn to control yourself better during intercourse, and also improve your overall performance. And a great side effect? Training with the Fleshlight STU is going to result in incredibly powerful orgasms – likely more intense than any you’ve experienced before. Not a bad side effect, right?

Features of the Stamina Training Unit

There are two different models in the Fleshlight STU series. There’s the Stamina Training Unit: Lady and the Stamina Training Unit: Pure. They are both very similar devices, aside from the orifice. The Lady is of course a pussy at the entrance to the Fleshlight, and the Pure has just a simple, non-anatomical entrance for those that prefer the simplicity.

Inside, you’ve got a unique sleeve that again, is designed to intensely mimic the feelings of real sexual intercourse as specifically as possible. You will notice that it’s quite tight, and quite stimulating – so don’t be upset if you don’t last more than a few seconds on your first round. But that’s what it’s made for – to give you the opportunity to increase your stamina!

Both versions come in a gold Flleshlight case, and of course both are made using Fleshlight’s own SuperSkin material – that feels incredibly life-life. Especially with a little bit of lubricant, you’ll be hard pressed to see the difference between the STU and the real thing!

Oh yeah – and it also comes with a handy e-guide that gives you tips and tricks on how to use the Fleshlight STU to increase your stamina.


How to Use the Fleshlight STU to Increase Stamina

The Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit works miracles – that is, if you know what you’re doing with it! You can’t just use it once, blow your load, and then expect to be Superman in the bedroom! There’s some actual training work involved – but thankfully it’s pretty fun training. In fact, even though I’d say I’ve got pretty good stamina in the bedroom by now, I still like to use these training tricks just because they feel so damn good.

  • Grab your Fleshlight and get comfortable. You’re going to be here for a little while, so have what you need in arms’ reach.
  • Don’t forget your lube! Any water-based lubricant will do just fine. Be sure not to use silicone or oil-based lubes because they will damager the SuperSkin over time.
  • Put some lube on your manhood. It’s going to make the process feel so much better!
  • Insert into the Fleshlight STU. IT doesn’t matter which version you’ve chosen – the Pure or the Lady – this part is all the same from here on out.
  • Experiment with slow and fast strokes. Some short, some long. Get to know what really makes you get off the fastest, and what lets you last longer. If you’re like me the first time I used one of these, you might have blown your load already. That’s okay. Just take a break and start over.
  • If you can, just when you’re about to have an orgasm, stop. Stop completely. Pull out if you need to, but just stop. Allow the feelings of orgasm to dissipate and then do it again. See how many times you can accomplish this before you have no choice but to blow.
  • Repeat if you want. Otherwise, clean up!

Remember that ‘side effect’ that I spoke about earlier? Yeah, this is where you’re going to see it. When you keep putting off your climax like that, it just builds and builds inside. When you finally release, it’s going to be far more intense than had you just let it go the first time. The better you get at this, the more times you can bring yourself to climax and then release. And the more and more it will build up inside. I’m telling you – this is a trick you’re going to learn to really love, whether you’re in the bedroom with a sexy woman or just at home with your Fleshlight.

There are many other techniques to try as well which Fleshlight has done a good job of outlining in the included e-guide.

Click Here For More Information About The Fleshlight STU

The Virtual Reality Extension for the STU

If you want to kick the visual aspect up a notch, there is an attachment called the VSTroker: STU that you can purchase to accompany the stamina training units. It attaches to your Fleshlight, and sends signals to your computer about the stroke speed and length. It then uses this information to make it appear as though the Virtual Reality girl on your computer screen is moving with your actions – like you’re actually having sex with a real women! Add this visual stimulation is another great way to increase your stamina, because again – if you can handle both the sensations of the Fleshlight WITH the visual stimulation, you’re golden when you get to the bedroom!


What I love About the Fleshlight STU

Other than the fact that these male masturbators have helped me become a superstar in the bedroom? Okay, maybe I’m not a superstar just yet, but I’ve had some pretty awesome compliments, and a guys’ gotta love that right? But what are the great aspects of the actual product? Let me tell you.

  • It feels incredible. Their attention to detail when trying to simulate the feeling of real intercourse does not go unnoticed! Let me tell you! As soon as your insert yourself, you’re going to be very, very impressed with how it feels.
  • Those ribs and bumps. Okay, this might be similar to the above point, but seriously – they’ve done such a great job at making this thing as stimulating as possible. If you can last using the STU, then you’re going to do a great job when it comes to getting into the bedroom!
  • The gold case. I don’t know why this does it for me, but it does. I guess if I’m trying to become a rockstar in the bedroom, the gold case just suits the mission.
  • It was fun to try it along with the VStroker as it’s a technology I’d never used before.


Things I didn’t Like so Much About the Stamina Training Unit

This Fleshlight feels incredible – absolutely! No complaints there. But still, no toy is perfect, and there were a couple things that could be fine-tuned.

  • Made me feel like a loser at first. The first time I tried this particular Fleshlight, I was finished way too quickly. I get that the point of this is to build up your stamina, but I couldn’t help feeling a bit sheepish with how quickly I finished.
  • Wish there were more options. I’d like to see the intensity of the inner sleeve brought to a couple more models. The gold case is great, but what about different orifices?
  • The VStroker is a bit of an expensive addition – it’s a really fun addition, but I think at that price you have to make sure you really think you’re going to use it. And also think about whether it will actually be OVER stimulating if you combine them!


My Final Fleshlight STU Review…

If you’re looking for a blowjob toy that’s going to make SURE that you last longer in bed, then this is what you’ve been looking for! If you follow the guide, and use as directed, there’s no way that your stamina isn’t going to improve. And the best part? It’s the most enjoyable training I’ve ever done. Increasingly more intense orgasms, and whole plethora of new techniques will be at your fingertips whenever you want them. If you’re willing to put in the (very pleasurable) time, then you WILL get the results you’re looking for!

But don’t just get this male sex toy for your own pleasure… get it for the pleasure that you’re going to unleash on ever one of your future partners too! They will definitely approve!

Click Here To Check The Up To Date Price

Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Fleshlight STU
📁 Type: ⭕ Fleshlight Sex Toy
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Incredible Feel
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ SuperSkin
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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