Thrust Pro Elite Paige Review: Squeezable Ass And Sultry Snatch

Thrust Pro Elite Paige Review

Me-oh-my, do I have a treat for you boys today, and trust me, you are not ready for this. I’ve written this Thrust Pro Elite Paige review because I want to introduce you to the lovely lady that has changed my life.

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Also, I’ll give you a little inside scoop into the entire Pro Elite range, and tell you know what you need to get and why. So enough mucking around; let’s get into the review.

What Is the Thrust Pro Elite Paige?

The Thrust Pro Elite Paige is a revelation and a technological marvel that has become one of my go-to toys. It’s essentially a rechargeable, vibrating masturbator brought to us by the magicians at Thrust.

By the way, if Thrust sounds familiar, it might be because I already reviewed a couple of their fake pussies. Even though I love Pro Ultra Zoey and Pro Mini Lea, I feel like they can’t hold a candle to Paige.

Paige has two openings, which, as you probably already guessed from the title, are a snatch and an ass. Both holes are pretty damn tight and textured all the way through. They also look incredibly realistic, but their internal length is different, which I’ll get to in a sec.

What I like about Paige, and the reason I even decided to do this Thrust Pro Elite Paige review, is that her ass is so squeezable. It kind of feels like the real deal, but you can be as rough or as gentle as you want.

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Paige’s Specs

You know that I can’t do a Thrust Pro Elite Paige review without talking about this girl’s specs. Paige is made from 100% silicone, which makes her incredibly soft and supple to the touch. She’s somewhat easy to wash and clean, and she’s totally phthalate-free.

Another cool thing about Paige is that she’s splashproof. If you ever thought about having a bath with the nasty little minx, you can just take her with you. Having her “ride” you, while you’re all covered in bubbles is an incredible feeling, believe me. Just remember to take the bullet vibrators out, because I’m not sure that they’d survive.

The Openings

As I said earlier, Paige has two openings, a coochy and a chocolate starfish. The former is six inches deep, while the latter is five inches.

I don’t know what kind of weapon of (m)ass destruction you’ve got between your legs, but I think Paige will easily accommodate you. And even if you can’t fit all the way in, I know that you’ll still be able to enjoy all her charms.

I do want to talk about the textures inside the holes because something didn’t sit right with me. Don’t get me wrong, they feel unbelievable once you’re inside them, and they brought me a lot of pleasure.

My problem with the textures is that Thrust called them realistic and lifelike. I don’t know about you, but if I played with a vagina that’s this bumpy, I’d pull out and run away screaming. But that’s just my two cents, you do you.

The Vibrators

While the openings and specs are amazing, the reason I called the Pro Elite Paige a technological marvel is that she has bullet vibrators. Just like Zoey and Lea, she has a slot for a vibrator, which is included in the whole shebang.

Unlike Zoey and Lea, Paige can fit two bullet vibrators inside her. One goes in her cooch, and the other in her gooch. And, yes, I know that only men have gooches, but I wanted it to rhyme. Sue me.

Also, the vibrators are both remote-controlled, super-powerful, and their total run time is about 55 minutes. Of course, that’s going to depend on how you’re playing, and how much intensity you’re working with.

Paige’s Weight

Now, let’s address the elephant (pun not intended) in the room, and talk about Paige’s weight because it’s a biggie.

She weighs a whopping 15.3 lbs (7 kg) and is a pretty thicc girl. That’s because Paige was designed to be sort of stationary while you play with her. It’s not like you can hold her with one hand, and just slide her across your ding dong.

You need to prop her up on something, like a bed, or have someone hold her if that’s what you’re into. I’ll get into all the different positions you could do with Paige later, but I thought that you should know about the weight, just in case it’s a dealbreaker.

Paige’s Features

Thrust Pro Elite Paige Specs

For the next part of my Thrust Pro Elite Paige review, I need to talk about all the fancy features this sex machine has. I do want to preface this by saying that Paige doesn’t have that many bells and whistles. However, all the little things that she has are incredible.

All the magic and the power of Paige’s little body comes from the two bullet vibrators. With a push of a button, you can shift between three different vibration speeds and seven patterns.

The only bummer about the vibrations is that the remote control has one button on it. So it’s not like you can specifically choose one speed and pattern. You can just cycle through them, and see what you land on. It’s kind of random, but I guess that’s what makes it more exciting.

As I mentioned earlier, Paige is rechargeable, so you won’t need to buy new batteries after every session. All you have to do is plug her in, let her sit for about two hours, and you’ll get your 55 minutes of play.

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What You Can Do With Paige and How to Do It

I never like to tell you guys how to play with your own toys because I think that with most, you can be as creative as you want. And I’m not going to do that in my Thrust Pro Elite Paige review because it’d basically be almost impossible. But I did want to give you a few ideas, just in case you’ve never used a toy like Paige before.

After I got her out of the box, and (obviously) fully charged her, I put her on my bed with her “stomach” down. I wanted to see what doggy would feel like with Paige, and as expected, it was sensational.

While I was already in position, I squirted a bit more lube into the butt hole because I wanted to try anal with her. Again, the experience was nothing short of brilliant. I also did side-to-side with Paige, and a few piledrivers.

But I also needed to see how she would perform as a “regular” masturbator, and see if I could even get her to sit on me. So I sat on my bed and, using both hands, slid her over my rocket using a lot of lube.

I will say this; I did really enjoy the experience, and it was the closest thing to the real deal. However, after a while, my arms got really tired of trying to pick her up and put her back down on me. So it’s definitely a give and take, but I absolutely recommend trying it out.


Cleaning Your Pro Elite Paige

I have a lot to say about the cleaning process because it’s easy and difficult at the same time. So I’m dedicating a big chunk of my Thrust Pro Elite Paige review to ensure that you get this part right.

When you order Paige off Lovehoney, you’ll get a sweet, little douche that’ll help you clean her. What you have to do is spray some cleaner directly into the hole(s) that you’re using, and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then, you need to run it under some tepid/lukewarm water to get all of the cleaner out. But there’s a catch.

Remember how earlier I said that Paige weighs 15.3 lbs? Well, getting all of that ass and vag into a sink is basically mission impossible. That’s why you need the douche, which you can then use to squirt water inside.

Now that Paige’s all spunk-free, you have to let her dry somewhere. Again, this is somewhat tricky since she’s so voluptuous. It’s especially hard if you don’t live alone, and want to keep your affair with Paige on the DL. That’s all made worse by the fact that Paige takes ages to dry (women, amirite?).

Anyhoo, once you’ve found the ideal place to dry her, let her sit there for a couple of hours, and put a towel under here. When there’s no more water left in Paige, you need to hit her with some renewing powder/cornstarch. That’ll ensure that she keeps her softness and pristine form for a long time.

Et voilà! You’re done, and you can go back to your regularly scheduled program.

The Thrust Pro Elite Line

In addition to Paige, Thrust put out an entire Pro Elite line, chock-full of gorgeous torsos, butts, and boobs. So I wanted to take a deep dive into all of them in my Thrust Pro Elite Paige review, and talk about my favorites.

Tamara, who has a cooch and a starfish, is on the heftier side, and she weighs 23 lbs (10.5 kg) but is stunning nonetheless. Then, there’s Alana, and she weighs about the same as Paige but has the perfect ass for doggy. Katya has similar features to the other two girls, but she’s a lot smaller and lighter.

If you like Paige, Alana, or Katya, but want some more melanin in your sex toy, I recommend Tiana. She’s the only girl of color, which kind of sucks, but I’m hoping for a bigger range in the future.

On the other hand, Alicia is the full package, and she has the tits, ass, and vag to prove it. She’s a bit heavier than Alana and Paige, but she’s fantastic in bed. You can also get Lexi, who’s got one of the biggest asses I’ve ever seen on a toy.

Layla is a lot smaller than the other girls, but she has all the basics covered. The cooch and gooch are really tight and highly enjoyable. In turn, Sophia is even smaller than Layla, and she’s the best choice when you want to be discrete.

Last, but certainly not least, let me introduce you, boys, to Natalia and Roxy, who are two lovely, lifesize sex dolls. They’re both gorgeous, curvy girls, and they can absolutely transform your love life.

Why Paige and I Don’t Get Along

Now, for the least favorite part of my Thrust Pro Elite Paige review, and that’s talking about all the problems. Luckily, there aren’t that many, and they weren’t deal-breakers for me, and I hope that they won’t be for you.

First, let’s start with the most obvious con, and that’s the price. As far as male masturbators go, Paige is up there, and she doesn’t come cheap. Then again, she really is a high-end, high-performing piece of ass.

Honestly, I do realize that Paige is quite expensive, but I like to think of her as an investment. She’ll be in your life a really long time, and she’s well-worth every last penny.

Another minor issue I had was with the buzzing. When you turn the vibrations up to a more high-intensity program, they can get kind of loud. With that said, Paige isn’t really a discrete male sex toy to start with, so the noise is the least of your problems.

Lastly, and I do plan on being a little bitch about this, I’ve got to talk about the ass. When I bought Paige, I hoped that her butt would have some sort of padding or something.

But it’s all 100% silicone, which means there’s quite a bit of give when you press down. Sure, she will spring back up again, but I can’t say that I wasn’t disappointed by the lack of padding.


Bottom Line

It’s finally time to wrap up this Thrust Pro Elite Paige review and give you my final verdict. In short, I am absolutely in love with Paige, and I see myself playing with her for a long time. I’m also hoping to get something else from the Pro Elite line, so let me know what you’d like to see. Until then, stay sexy and stay safe.

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Thrust Pro Elite Paige
📁 Type: ⭕ Pocket Pussy
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Heavily Textured Canals
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ TPE
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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