Lovense Max 2 And Nora Review – Lovemaking Of A Different Kind

Lovense Max 2 and Nora Review

I have to start my Lovense Max 2 and Nora review by saying that in order to write a truthful and proper review of these two beauties, I committed to a two-week separation with my partner. So if nothing else, please appreciate how committed I am to getting you properly laid.

Of course, we tried them out in person as soon as they arrived. However, I felt that the only way to really be able to tell you whether these toys are the right pick for people in long-distance relationships or not was to try them out with several hundred miles of separation between us.

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Now, I’ve said before (many times) – long-distance relationships suck! You know it, I know it, everyone and their mother knows it. But when fate smacks you in the head with that perfect somebody, it doesn’t really matter where they live, does it? Even if they are thousands of miles away, you’re still reluctant to pass on the opportunity for a perfect partner.

You’re willing to live with the consequences. You can’t hug them in the morning or kiss them goodnight at the end of the day. But does being in an LD relationship means you also can’t have sex? Hello no! At least not anymore.

What Are Max 2 And Nora?

Lovense jumped on the “let’s make LD relationships easier” train faster than you could say “teledildonics.” Yeah, it’s a tongue-twister, but you’ll get there.

So, Lovense wasn’t precisely a champion when it comes to this particular category of sex toys. However, they do offer plenty of options.

Max 2 and Nora aren’t Lovense’s first pair of interactive sex toys for long-distance couples, but they are by far the best. Nora is a gorgeous curved rabbit vibrator that hits both the clitoris and the G-spot in one thrust, and Max 2 is a new and improved automatic masturbatory sleeve. Nora stayed pretty much the same ever since it first hit the market, but Max 2 is a significant improvement compared to its predecessor.

It has improved sensors and a 360-degree contraction feature that the original Max was sorely lacking. Of course, those are just some of the magnificent features these two toys have.

The main feature is the interactive one, naturally. It’s what makes them ideal toys for LD relationships. In short, Max 2 and Nora are teledildonics which means they can interact with each other in real time.

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What Are Teledildonics Again?

Teledildonics are interactive sex toys that can connect to the internet. And, as you’re probably well aware, if you can connect them to the internet, you can also control them remotely. Are you with me so far? Great!

What does that mean for you? Well, it means that you and your LD partner can technically have sex. Sure, you won’t touch each other or be able to taste each other, but this is the next best thing.

Teledildonics are interactive sex toys. Whatever you do with yours, your partner’s toy will mimic or react to. So, in the case of Max 2 and Nora, if you slide the Max 2 onto your ding-dong and start moving it up and down, Nora will react and begin to vibrate (and rotate, but I’ll talk more about that delightful feature a bit later). You also have several options of connectivity and control. The toys can control each other (or, better said, one toy can react to what the other toy is doing) or sync up and interact.

OK, But Why Are These Special?

I hear you. If all teledildonics are that great, why go for these two? Well, by the end of my Lovense Max 2 and Nora review, you’ll definitely have the complete answer. But I don’t want to leave you hanging, so I’ll give you a teaser answer now.

Max 2 and Nora have:

  • an excellent value for money ratio
  • great connectivity options
  • unique features that make them awesome standalone toys as well as interactive ones (rotating head and suction feature, to name a few)
  • quick response time, which means you can practically feel your partner’s movements in real time (with minimal delay)
  • an encrypted platform that will keep your dirty chats just between you and your partner
  • third-party connectivity options (you don’t have to use the Lovense app, you can connect via Skype, for example. This is great because it brings a new dimension to your LD sexcapades since it allows for hands-free screen time)

Tell Us Everything! How Do They Work?

Well, that’s kind of the point of my Lovense Max 2 and Nora review, isn’t it? So, here’s how they work.

You can connect the toys to any device that has internet access via Bluetooth. Obviously, said device also has to have Bluetooth capabilities (duh!).

So, let’s say that you’re sitting in your bed with your Max 2 in hand and want to connect it to your partner’s Nora (which is, of course, in her bed along with her).

So, what do you do? Well, first, you download the Lovense app. That’s the software that will allow you to actually play with your partner. Then, both you and your partner pair your devices with a phone or a computer via Bluetooth. Once you do that, you’re all set, and you can start playing.

As I mentioned, you can either use the Lovense app to message or call your partner, or you can just use it to pair the devices and then use third-party software (like Skype) to actually chat with your partner.

Connecting And Playing Together

Lovense Max 2 and Nora Reviews

It’s super easy and idiot-proof. The connection should be instant, and as soon as you start moving one of them, the other will respond. The idea that they work in tandem was the star idea of Lovense’s R&D team, and they executed it beautifully.

If you want to be in control of the game, slip your Max 2 onto your Sexcalibur and start moving it up and down (I don’t have to explain that part, right?). As soon as you do, your partner will feel her Nora start to vibrate and rotate.

Ah, yes, I teased you with the rotations before, but I haven’t quite explained them. Nora is a rabbit vibrator that has a rotating motor in its shaft. Thanks to it, the whole upper part of the vibrator rotates in tandem with your moves. That way, your partner will feel as if you’re (or, better said, the vibrator is) actually thrusting in and out of them.

But what about you, I hear you ask? Well, if your partner is running the show, and she’s pushing Nora in and out, your Max 2 will constrict in the rhythm of her thrusts. That way, it will feel as if you’re plunging into the depths of your partner’s honeypot (instead of a silicone masturbator).

Sounds lovely, right? The beauty of it (and Max 2 and Nora’s most significant selling point) is that there’s also intelligent feedback. There’s no need for one person to “run the show,” as I dubbed it. Both you and your partner can do your thing, and the toys will interact with each other and work in tandem.


Give It To Me, Baby (Aha-Aha); But Tell Me About The Specs First

Of course, my Lovense Max 2 and Nora review wouldn’t be complete without me blabbing about how the toys look. In short, Nora seems impressive, and Max 2 looks a bit less remarkable, let’s put it like that. Do you know those couples where the girl is extra hot, and the guy is just your average Joe? Well, that’s Nora and Max 2 for you.

Nora is a velvety-smooth hot pink vibrator (although you can also get it in black) with gorgeous curves. Overall, she’s easy on the eyes (yes, I gendered a sex toy; sue me!). Max 2, on the other hand, isn’t a looker. It’s completely white, and the outside is made out of shiny plastic. I don’t mind shiny toys, but there’s something about matte materials that makes me go all giddy inside.

Overall, Max 2 is nothing more than a shiny, white cylinder that looks like a fancy water bottle more than anything else. We can’t really fault it for that since most male masturbators sport a similar look. After all, it’s what’s inside that counts.

Full Specs – Max 2

Max 2 is 9.5 inches long and 3.33 inches wide. It’s rechargeable, and for two hours of charging, you’ll get two hours of playtime. Sounds fair, if you ask me.

The inner sleeve is made out of skin-like TPE, so it’s very soft to the touch, and your meat snake will definitely enjoy slithering into it. But it’s not just the softness that will draw you in. The sleeve has several different textures throughout its length that offer various sensations. To be specific, it has four different textures, and if you’re like me, you’ll like the one at the top the best. It’s intense, and it will massage your head (the lower one, of course) just right.

Max 2 also has a vibrator in its hardware, which is a lot bigger than the one its predecessor had. So, now you’ll be able to feel the vibrations throughout your ding-dong. The motor has seven different modes of vibrations and three distinct modes of contractions.

Best Feature? Contractions!

I spoke about those before, but I’d like to highlight how much of a game-changer they are. The entire sleeve constricts around you when you play with Max 2 (and Nora, of course), and you can make the contractions subtle, mild, or deep. When Max 2 is interacting with Nora, the closer you and your partner get to the finish line, the stronger the contractions will be. The deep contractions setting actually resembles the real-life contractions of a vagina mid-orgasm.

Max 2 also has an adjustable air vent that allows you to control the amount of suction. This is amazing for solo time as it transforms Max 2 from a masturbator into a blowjob toy.

Full Specs – Nora

The gorgeous Nora is an almost 8-inch long rabbit vibrator. Out of those 8 inches, you get 4.72 inches of insertable length. As you can see at first glance, the shaft of the vibrator is curved, which makes it a perfect G-spot toy.

That’s not all, of course. Nora has two different motors that are responsible for different sensations. There’s a vibrating motor near the base that ensures that both the shaft and the smaller arm (which will caress the clitoris) vibrate. There’s also a rotating motor near the head of the vibrator that’s responsible for those lovely rotations I already mentioned.

Best Feature? Rotating Head!

The rotating motor is the game-changer here, and it makes Nora a worthy purchase even without Max 2 thrown in. There are three different intensities of rotations and seven vibration modes. That’s more than enough to make anyone scream with pleasure!

Aside from that, the shaft of the vibrator isn’t completely flat. Instead, it’s optimized and has a few curves and ridges to it. Overall, with a shaft like that, a rotating head, and a vibrating clitoral stimulator, Nora is pleasure personified.

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How To Clean Them?

Both Nora and Max 2 are easy when it comes to cleaning. Due to their software, they aren’t waterproof, but they are splash-proof. So, clean them with a bit of care. Nora is a silicone toy which means that cleaning is a piece of cake. Max 2 has an insertable TPE sleeve which you can easily take out after you’re done playing.

Of course, TPE isn’t the ideal material. So be careful while cleaning the sleeve and always make sure it’s completely dry before you put it back into the casing.

So, Mark, Have You Finally Found The Perfect Toys?

No, I haven’t. When I do find the perfect toy, I’ll shout it from the rooftops. Since I wrote my Lovense Max 2 and Nora review instead of doing that, you can bet there were some drawbacks.

My partner and I were delighted with these toys. We had no issues with connectivity, and we enjoyed all the features these babies had to offer. However, we do have some feedback (Lovense, are you listening?)

Overall, Max 2 isn’t the best masturbatory sleeve on the market. One of the selling points of these toys was that both Max 2 and Nora could be used independently of each other. While that’s true, I wouldn’t necessarily reach for Max 2 unless my partner is also using Nora simultaneously. Also, the sleeve is a bit tight, so you’ll need a lot of lube to get into it. I don’t particularly mind this, as I’m the “the more, the merrier” type when it comes to lube, but be warned.

While we were separated, I also tried Max 2 as a solo toy and, although I’m a big fan of the air vent that controls the suction, it can be a bit noisy.

Nora also wasn’t Little Miss Perfect. My partner has very few complaints, though, so Nora actually scored better than Max 2 in this review. It could, however, have stronger vibrations.


A Few Parting Words

I’ve made great sacrifices to write the best and most realistic Lovense Max 2 and Nora review I could. I hope it helps you and your long-distance partner make a decision. If you opt for these two toys, let me know how your playtime works out. And, as always, I hope you have a smashing time smashing each other!

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Lovense Max 2 And Nora
📁 Type: ⭕ Couples Sex Toy
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Multiple Connecting Options
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ Silicone
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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