This Is Why You Will (And Won’t) Love The Doc Johnson Sasha Grey Ur3 Pocket Pal

Ur3 Pocket Pal Review

If you don’t already know me, then you probably don’t know that I have an incredibly large arsenal of sex toys at home that I use on the regular. Being creative with sexual pleasure is something that more people need to be open about – I mean, it’s one of the most natural urges we have as humans so why do we always push that aside?

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But back to my point – I have a huge selection of male sex toys at home. Which makes me (at least in my own eyes) somewhat of an expert on these things. So if you’re looking to purchase the Ur3 Pocket Pal, you’ll want to read this review first.

First up – What IS the Ur3 Pocket Pal?

This is one of your basic masturbation toys for men. There are no fancy bells and whistles such as vibrations, automation, virtual reality, what have you. It’s a basic masturbation sleeve that is small enough and discreet enough that you can take it anywhere (hence the name ‘Ur3 POCKET PAL’). It’s made of a phthalate-free material that can feel very realistic when used with an appropriate water-based lubricant, and the opening is modeled after the mouth of Sasha Grey – a former porn star turned actress, erotic novelist and DJ.

Of note: ‘former’ porn star. Which means her days of sucking cock are over (at least on film, and at least for now) but you can still get that sensation with the Ur3 Pocket Pal… just turn on one of her films and away you go.

Click Here For More Information About The Ur3 Pocket Pal

Getting the most out of your Ur3 Pocket Pal

Sasha Grey’s Ur3 pocket pal is a very basic male masturbator, yes – but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some serious pleasure out of it! Plus, it’s a VERY reasonable price so I’m a fan – even if it’s just used for the odd occasion when I go away for the night or the weekend and need something that will fit into my overnight bag and that won’t cause any type of commotion at the airport. You know what i mean?

But if you really want to get the best jerking off experience possible, there are a few things that you’re going to want to do:

  • Find a really good lubricant. Without that, you’re basically going to stick to it as you try to enter which will only cause discomfort, and you’ll think the toy sucks. (not literally which is actually the point of the toy – but I think you get what I’m trying to say.)
  • Turn on your favorite porn. Throw on Sasha Grey herself if you want to make it realistic, or just whatever gets you going. The visual stimulus will increase the overall pleasure.
  • Next, put the lube on your own cock, and then also put some around the opening of the toy.
  • Slide in. (yup – it feels good, doesn’t it?)
  • Stroke it. Fast, slow, whatever feels good to you – just make sure you play around with it and have fun!
  • Releeeease. 🙂
  • Clean up. (That means you AND the toy).

That being said, of course you don’t HAVE to add in number 2, but of course if you have the option to, why wouldn’t you? On the other hand, if you’re keen on joining the mile high club on your next flight (it’s a great masturbator for travel!) you’ll probably leave number 2 out, and just get it done as quick as possible before you’re responsible for 30 angry passengers lining the aisle of the plane waiting for your lavatory to open. (not *ahem* speaking from experience at all… *ahem*)


This is what I love about the Ur3 Pocket Pal

I’ve mentioned it a few times now – the Ur3 Pocket Pal is a pretty standard masturbation sleeve, but there are some great qualities which make me recommend it to the masses.

  • It’s a great for travel. Not only is the Ur3 Pocket Pal a great size to just throw in your carry-on, but the fact that it is free of batteries, power or vibrations makes it a lot easier to carry in your suitcase. First off, you don’t have to worry about whether or not it’s allowed in the cabin of the airplane, you won’t attract unwanted attention at the security line, and you don’t have to worry about it starting to vibrate or something while in your bag.
  • You never have to worry about running out of power. I love myself some automated blowjob machines, but there is something to be said for simplicity as well. I can take this anywhere with me, and use it whenever I want without have to worry about having an electrical outlet, or a fresh set of batteries.
  • Feels really tight (read: awesome) Because the other end is closed, it helps to provide a nice suction as you move your Willy Nelson in and out of the masturbator. There are also great ribs and textures on the inside of the sleeve that help to create an even more pleasurable experience.
  • Easy to clean. It’s completely waterproof so you just put it in water with some gentle soap or toy cleaner and voila! You’ll just want to make sure that if you’re not using the specific toy cleaner that you use a VERY mild soap so that you don’t harm the skin-like material that the Ur3 Pocket Pal is made of.
  • Modeled after the super gorgeous Sasha Grey. Let’s face it guys – this is as close as we’ll ever get to actually getting a blowjob from Sasha Grey, so embrace the moment.
  • Great price. It’s a simple toy at a great price. Which makes it especially perfect for those who are new to the male sex toy field, or who just want to change things up a bit from their usual playtimes.


The Ur3 Pocket Pal review wouldn’t be complete without a list of the cons too!

  • It’s basic. I know – I’ve got this in both the pros and the cons – but that’s because it really depends on how you’re looking at it. It’s great for certain things, but I don’t think I’d recommend this toy if you plan on just getting ONE toy. It’s great to start with, or to change things up – but I would get tired of it after a while if it was the only toy I was using. There are a ton of way more intense ones out there to choose from.
  • Too small for extra-large men. Because the end is closed, it means that guys who are more than 6 inches aren’t going to reap the full benefits. While the actual feeling of pounding the end DOES feel good, you’re not going to get your whole shaft stroked.
  • (Kinda) difficult to keep dry. You’re going to want to be ensure that when you clean your toy you leave it in a very well ventilated area, with the toy upside down so that all the water can drip out. The sleeve is nice and tight but you just want to make sure the water doesn’t sit in there from one session to the next, it starts to smell a little funky. Easy to avoid though if you’re just conscious of it. There’s also some powder you can buy that help keeps it dry if it’s an issue for you.


Ur3 Pocket Pal Review – Final Words

Overall, it’s a good toy to have in your collection, and a great toy to start with if you’re not sure whether or not you’re going to like using a masturbation sleeve in the first place. And of course, if you’re a Sasha Grey fan, it’s a great purchase.

I have taken it with me on weekend trips on many occasions because of the size and simplicity of the design. I just wrap it up in a t-shirt (just in case I DO have to open my suitcase for any reason in public it’s not just sitting there right on top – HELLO!) And of course, don’t forget the lubricant! WITH lube it feels great! Without? Just no….

It’s also a great toy to introduce to a partner if that’s something you’re looking to do. In my experience, my partners are more keen to try using a sex toy for men in the bedroom if it doesn’t seem intimidating – or rather – it doesn’t seem like it might actually pleasure me better than THEY can.

It feels great, it’s a good price, it’s pretty easy to clean, and you can take it with you wherever you go. Not bad, right?

Click Here To Check The Up To Date Price

Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Sasha Grey Ur3 Pocket Pal
📁 Type: ⭕ Blowjob Machine
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Travel Friendly
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ TPR
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

I also answer reader questions – so feel free to send me a message and ask me anything.

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