The Handy Review – The Future Of Male Pleasure

The Handy Review

It’s great to be a man in the 21st century. What were once simple stroking masturbators now became high-tech toys that allow you to experience things that only existed in your fantasies. You don’t have to imagine what it would be like to get a blowjob from your favorite cam girl – you can sync up your toy with her and actually feel it. Sounds good? Then keep reading the Handy review to learn more.

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Hold On, What Is the Handy Anyway?

There are thousands of masturbators out there, but none quite like the Handy. The company that made it, Sweet Tech AS, boasts that it’s the most advanced blowjob machine on the market. And to be honest, I think I believe that! With exciting new features and endless potential for creative uses, the Handy will give you toe-curling orgasms.

The Handy masturbator is, in fact, a tube made of high-quality plastic with a small strap at the side that can move up and down. That is where the actual sleeve is placed – you know, the part that does all the work. The Handy comes with a basic transparent sleeve made of thermoplastic rubber. But if you want something a bit more exciting, you can just swap it for a better one.

The masturbator itself isn’t too bulky – it’s only about 9 inches long with a diameter of 2.75 inches. Compared to some of the other toys on the market, that really isn’t too much, which I like. The last thing you want is to hold a giant tube when jerking off, right?

The sleeve that comes in the package has a diameter of 0.5–3 inches. Since it slides up and down the masturbator, it has a stroke length of up to 4.5 inches. There are several pimples on the inside, which, coupled with up to 10 strokes per second, work wonders on your dong.

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Why Should You Choose Handy?

From what you’ve seen so far, the Handy isn’t all that different from your regular masturbator. In fact, I haven’t given you any reason to replace your old one with this bad boy. Well, my friend, these next few features are about to change your mind.

Adjustable Strokes

Most masturbators have several modes and intensities, and you switch between them with the press of a button. But the Handy is even more customizable.

It allows you to choose the precise length of the strokes and their number per second. And since the stroke length can go up to 4.5 inches, and number per second up to 10, you can imagine how many possibilities that gives you. Here’s a hint: a lot more than other masturbators offer.

Syncing With Adult Videos

Have you ever wanted to experience the same sensations as the actors in your favorite porn? Well, with the Handy, you actually can! It has the option to sync up with the adult videos you’re watching and mimic the exact movements that are happening on screen. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy getting head from your favorite porn actresses!

Wi-Fi Connection and Remote Control

What many people don’t like about masturbators is that the only way to switch modes is to press the buttons on the device. That can be a bit of a hassle, especially when you’re just about to blow your load. Luckily, the team behind the Handy thought of that and included another way to adjust your device – remote control.

Basically, all you need is a smartphone or a computer with access to Wi-Fi. Then, connect your Handy to that same network and go to the HandyFeeling website. Open the Remote menu and connect using your connection key. And that’s it – you’re ready to control it remotely!

And the best part is, anyone with your connection key can access and control your Handy, no matter where they are in the world. Finally, you can be intimate (in a way) with your partner even if they’re on the other side of the globe!

VR Connection

Video syncing and remote control are great, but you might be one of those guys who want full immersion. And boy, do I have a treat for you then! The HandyFeeling website has several videos that you can access from your VR headset and sync up with your Handy. It’s so good that you’ll actually forget it’s not real!

Though, keep in mind that the VR feature is still under development, so it might not always work perfectly. Plus, there aren’t that many videos on the site yet. Still, so far it’s quite promising, so I’m actually excited to see what the future holds!

Voice Control With Amazon Echo and Google Home

And for those of you who are absolutely allergic to buttons, the Handy has a voice control option. That’s right, you just need to connect it to your Amazon Echo or Google Home, and you can give it voice commands! Finding it hard to believe? Here’s a video demonstration.

Smartphone Motion Sensors

Just when you think there couldn’t possibly be more, the Handy surprises you. Though this feature is still in beta, it already sounds like something I want and need. And trust me, in just a second, you’ll feel the same way.

Here’s the deal: your Handy can be controlled simply by moving your smartphone up and down or shaking it. The sleeve will mimic your phone’s movement and speed up or slow down as you do. You got a girl who lives far away? Connect Handy to her smartphone and give her a video call. I don’t think I need to tell you more.


The Handy Review – How to Use the Masturbator

With that many mindblowing features, you may be thinking that the sex toy is too complicated to use. But trust me, it’s really not. Everything is explained in the user manual that comes with the male masturbator, but just in case, I included a little guide in the Handy review.

Before You Start

Remember, the Handy doesn’t work on batteries, so you need to plug it in before use. That’s pretty simple – just connect the Handy’s AC cable to the main power box, and then plug the box into the wall socket. Once you’ve done that, the device’s LED light should blink green; which means it’s ready to use.

It might seem obvious, but keep in mind never to take the Handy in the shower or bath with you. The device will be damaged, but what’s worse, electrocution could seriously injure you, or even kill you. I know that many of us love to jerk off in the bath, but make sure to use a waterproof masturbator instead.

The Handy comes with lubricant samples that you can try out, or you can just use another brand that you prefer. Make sure it’s water-based, though – oil and silicone can damage the sleeve.

You can also choose not to use any lube at all, depending on your preference. Usually, though, sleeves are much more comfortable when you do, and the orgasms are… mind-blowing, to say the least.

The Main Event

So you’ve plugged in the device, lubed up the sleeve, and now you’re ready to take it for a ride. Before you turn on the masturbator, insert your penis into the sleeve, as far as it can go. Now, place the sleeve into the band on the side of the Handy. Adjust the grip of the band according to your preference, but make sure it’s secure enough.

If you’ve done it all correctly, the buttons of the masturbator should be facing you. You’ll see six buttons and a LED indicator. The topmost button is the one you have to press to get the device started. If you’re using manual mode, adjust the stroke length with the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons, and change the speed with the ‘left’ and ‘right’ ones. The last button is the Wi-Fi button, which you only need if you’re connecting to other devices.

And that’s it – now you can sit back and play around with your new male sex toy. Explore different speeds and lengths until you find the one that feels just right, but remember to keep your hand firmly on top of the masturbator. It could fall over due to powerful vibrations while you’re still in it, and that… wouldn’t be pleasant.

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Cleaning and Storing the Masturbator

You know how things go – once you’re done using a masturbator, you have to clean it. There’s just no way around it. Luckily, that’s super simple with the Handy and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes.

You don’t have to clean the whole thing – just the sleeve will be enough. Just take it out of the grip and wash it with warm water and soap. Since it’s stretchy, you can turn it inside out for a more thorough cleaning. Once you’re done, dry it with a towel.

As you know, you can’t put the Handy itself in water, so if you want to keep it clean, just treat it like any other electric appliance. Wipe its surface with a damp cloth and dry it. You don’t have to do that all the time, but don’t let it get dirty either – after all, it comes in close contact with a very sensitive area.

When you’re not using the Handy, store it away in a cool and dry place. Though it doesn’t come with a special pouch, you can simply keep it in the product box it came with. And to extend the life of the sleeve and keep its texture, store it in a plastic bag and seal it.


The Handy Review – My Favorite Features

Honestly, when a masturbator is that good, it’s really hard to pick which features I liked best. Still, the Handy review wouldn’t be complete without one such list – so here it goes.

  • You Can Change Sleeves – The sleeve that comes with the Handy masturbator is just fine, but there’s nothing super special about it. Yes, it might fit most men, but it won’t fit all, nor will it be everyone’s cup of tea. So it’s great that the Handy allows you to attach different sleeves – put your favorite one in the grip and experience it in a totally new way!
  • Future Updates – Okay, so you know that this high-tech toy comes with all sorts of features you never even thought you needed. But what’s even cooler are the future features and updates to the already existing ones! That’s right, as amazing as the Handy is now, it’s only going to get better as the company further improves it.
  • Constant Power Supply – As great as battery-operated masturbators are, they have one big flaw. So imagine you’re riding your wave of ecstasy, feeling great, and just when you’re this close to cumming, the device shuts down. The reason? You forgot to charge it before use.
    That sort of thing can’t happen with the Handy. Plug it in, and you can use it to your heart’s content with no fear that it will betray you. Plus, the cable is long and barely noticeable, so it won’t stand in your way
  • Video Syncing – That might be my favorite feature of all. The fact that you can sync with a porn video and live out your fantasy is absolutely insane to me. And it works quite well too – there are generally no hitches and discrepancies.


The Handy Review – What Can Be Improved

I really don’t have many complaints about this product, but the Handy review should be as unbiased as possible. So, here are a few things that I’d like improved.

  • Spotty Wi-Fi Connectivity – The device can sometimes lose Wi-Fi connectivity, which is annoying if you’re using remote control or playing with your partner. This should get better with future updates, so I can’t say I’m really mad about it.
  • The Sleeve Is on the Side – I have mixed feelings about this one. If the sleeve was in the middle of the tube, the Handy would be easier to hold and the weight balance would be better. On the other hand, I’m not sure that all features – such as the great stroke length and changing the sleeves – would still be there. It is a little uncomfortable to use the first few times, though.


The Handy Review – Is It Worth Buying?

Honestly, this might be one of my new favorites. Easy to use, easy to clean, and incredibly advanced, the Handy is the future of pleasure. I expect many more toys like it to appear on the market, but for now, the Handy definitely stands out.

So if you’ve carefully read the Handy review, you should already be convinced. But just in case, I’ll say it once clearly – it’s absolutely worth buying. I’m really glad I did, and I can’t wait to see what cool new features future updates bring!

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ The Handy
📁 Type: ⭕ Male Masturbator
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Syncs With Adult Videos
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ TPE
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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