Blowmotion Real Feel Review – It’s The Real Deal!

Blowmotion Real Feel Review

Some of you may know that we talk quite a bit about the “real feel” on this blog. I genuinely search for toys that are as close as possible to the real thing. Now I, of course, am aware that no sex toy, no matter how exclusive or expertly made, will feel as good as having sex with a real-life person (for now). But, hey, a boy can dream, right? And also, that leaves me in search of thighs that come “close”. That’s why, today, you’re reading my Blowmotion Real Feel review. Appropriately named, this toy offers an authentic feeling of being buried in a sweet, warm pussy.

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What Is the Blowmotion Real Feel?

Well, clearly, all of you have surmised by now that the Blowmotion Real Feel is a male masturbator.

If you’ve ever taken a look at Lovehoney’s selection of toys (and who hasn’t, am I right?), you’re probably well aware that they have a wide range of masturbators. There’s something for everyone there. And if you’re particularly interested in Fleshlight-like toys, then you’ll be happy to hear that Real Feel is exactly that – a toy reminiscent of the standard Fleshlight.

However, Lovehoney was never one for copying other manufacturers (no matter how popular they are). At the same time, they are well aware of the public’s love of Fleshlight-like toys. Therefore, they took that concept and added quite a few personal touches and innovations.

The most important one was also the one that inspired the name of the toy – authenticity.

Tell Me About the “Extraordinary” Part

Out of all the features that Blowmotion Real Feel has, I’d have to pick out these two as the best-sellers:

  • The textured inner sleeve
  • And the variety of patterns and speeds

I’ll go into more detail about both of these features later on in this Blowmotion Real Feel review. However, let me tell you right away that I was blown away by both.

Blowmotion Real Feel: First Look

I’ve written plenty of Blowmotion reviews over the years. Their products never fail to satisfy me, and I love how efficiently and promptly they can take over for my trusty old Mrs. Palmer when I’m sick of playing the five-finger shuffle.

However, what I admire most about the Blowmotion range is the consistency. All the products in this line are designed to look sleek and elegant, and they all follow the strict black theme with blue accents. I actually really like that because it makes it easy for me to pick out the Blowmotion goodies among the sea of other toys that are currently trying to overflow my closets and take over my household.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that the Real Feel toy is elegant. The sleek black outer shell is bulky but easy to hold, thanks to the easy-grip ribs on the sides. These ribs will make it easy for you to handle the Real Feel even when your hands are extra lubed up.

The inner sleeve is transparent and has a non-anatomical opening. However, even though they opted for this route (instead of going for the other, more Fleshlight-like option, the anatomically correct opening), they still added a bit of spice to it. Therefore, the opening is strongly reminiscent of something you might see on a person’s body.

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OK, OK, We Get It: It’s Pretty! Now Give Me the Specs

Fine, fine, settle down. I’ll stop waxing poetic about how elegant and nice this toy is and tell you everything (else) you need to know.

Let’s start with the most obvious: the size.

The Size

I already told you this is a bulky toy. In general, motor-powered male masturbators usually are. The Real Feel is no exception.

It measures around 8 inches in size. Out of those, 6 inches are insertable. So you have 6 gorgeous inches of the inner canal (ribbed, for your pleasure!) before you to play with.

The Material

The materials are all high-quality and feel premium under your hand. The outer shell is made out of hard, sturdy ABS plastic. That’s pretty standard for the industry and something I’m most grateful for. As someone who has dropped many masturbators straight onto my bathroom tiles before, I’m thankful for the durability and sturdiness of this type of plastic.

The inner sleeve is made out of really soft TPE. As I already mentioned, this is one of the better features of this toy. It really feels realistic and authentic, and that’s partially due to the texture. However, it mostly has to do with the softness of the sleeve.

The Features

Now it’s time for the part of my Blowmotion Real Feel review that you’ve all been waiting for: the features.

As I said, this toy has quite a few. So let’s go over them together.

As Promised: The Realistic Feel

Blowmotion offers its users a state-of-the-art realistic and authentic experience. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, that’s mostly due to the design and texture of the inner sleeve.

The texture might seem standard to most – it’s just bumps and ridges, after all. However, the way that Blowmotion organized them makes this sleeve not only worth your time and money but also a rare find on the market flooded with various sex toys.

Those Good Vibrations

Of course, Real Feel has more to offer than just a nice sleeve. The powerful motor that lays at the very top of the toy (or bottom, depending on which way you look at it) powers the vibrating feature.

As far as vibrations go, Real Feel is a champion. There are 8 different patterns you can shuffle through and 7 different intensities. You can combine all patterns with all seven different speeds. That makes this toy extremely adaptable to different sensibilities (not to mention versatile).

This is another feature I greatly appreciate. We all have different bodies and levels of sensitivity. Therefore, we all have different needs.

Many times before, I used a toy that had an excellent vibration pattern but not enough intensity (and vice versa). With Blowmotion Real Feel, you don’t have to worry about that. The seven intensity speeds vary from super low to woah-boy-slow-down intense, and I love each and every one of them.


A Handy Smartphone Slot

If you’ve ever tried to balance a bulky masturbator on your dick with one hand while using the other to scroll through the pages of your favorite porn website, then you’ll really appreciate this next feature.

At the very top of the toy, there’s a small dent. That dent is a slot for your smartphone. So, you can power up the toy and put your phone in the slot to enjoy a bit of visual encouragement while you’re skinning your monkey.

Rechargeable and Lockable

You can easily charge your Blowmotion Reel Feel via USB. The toy takes about two hours to fully charge, and you get around 60 minutes of playtime with it.

Another great feature that this toy has is a travel lock. In case you want to bring your new handy companion with you on vacation, you can just put the travel lock on and go on your journey. There’s no need to worry about the toy activating itself and buzzing in your suitcase all the way through airport security.


Sadly, the Blowmotion Real Feel isn’t waterproof. After all, most motor-powered masturbators aren’t. However, it is splashproof. So, if you happen to spill your spunk all over the toy, don’t worry! Not only will you be able to clean it easily, but you also won’t damage the toy in the process.

The inner sleeve is, of course, completely waterproof, so you can just take it out of the toy and rinse it under water.

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The Real (Feel) Details

Let’s wrap this Blowmotion Real Feel review in my (by now) well-known manner – by doing a small overview of the toy’s best and worst features.

In all honesty, I don’t really have much to say or complain about. This toy is expertly made to be as realistic as possible. Therefore, even with the flaws I did find, I chalked up to the toy’s “authentic” design.

The Pros:

  • The material of the inner sleeve is heavenly soft and has a great texture to it, which is why it feels as authentic as it does.
  • The sheer abundance of vibration patterns and speeds gives this toy an extra layer of variety. There’s really something for everyone, no matter how sensitive (or desensitized) you are.
  • There’s no anatomically correct entry point, which I’m counting as a plus because it makes the toy look more inconspicuous. Plus, not everyone is a fan of realistic entries, so having a neutral one makes this toy a good fit for more people.


The Cons:

  • The softness of the sleeve comes at a price. Because it’s so delicate and velvety (like a real vagina), it’s not exactly sturdy. If you like to play hard, you might find this sleeve to be too gentle and fragile. Of course, it will hold out without a problem for a while, but those of us who pound like there’s no tomorrow will see some signs of wear and tear sooner rather than later.
  • Cleaning it is a bitch. That’s usually the case with these types of toys, but I’m still counting it as a flaw.


A Few Parting Words

Thanks for reading my Blowmotion Real Feel review, folks! Clearly, I’m enamored with this toy, and I will wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone. Of course, take my word of warning to heart and go a bit easier on it (just in case). The gentle, real-feel sleeve will thank you for it. Happy thrusting!

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Blowmotion Real Feel
📁 Type: ⭕ Male Masturbator
⚙️ Features: ⭕ 8 modes of vibration
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ TPE
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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