The Sue Johanson Super Head Honcho Is The Budget-Friendly Male Masturbator You’ve Been Looking For!

Super Head Honcho Review

First off – PLEASE tell me you know who Sue Johanson is! I hope all of you reading this are nodding and smiling right now. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, I truly feel bad for you.

Sue Johanson was only the most rad old lady whose face filled my TV screen every weekend as she talked about literally everything that had to do with sex. She even has a book out called “Sex, sex and more sex”, if that helps to paint a picture. I’ll never forget the first time I turned on that channel and thought what the BLEEP is this old lady doing talking about this sh*t?! But honestly, I was hooked – as was everyone else I knew at that time. She was the hippest granny I’d ever seen, that’s for sure!

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But what’s the point of all this rambling, you might be asking yourself? Well, the point is that this awesome lady has her own sex toy line (I mean, that seems obvious, right?) and she’s actually got some really good toys out there that will NOT break the bank. And the specific one that I’d like to point out is the Super Head Honcho.

The Basics: What is the Super Head Honcho?

The Super Head Honcho is, as I said, budget friendly. And I mean REAL budget friendly. You should be able to get one of these male masturbators for around 20 bucks or so. And although I’m a firm believe in “you get what you pay for”, and I wouldn’t normally recommend something at this low of a cost – this is a very decent masturbation sleeve for the price.

Okay so.. Now that I’ve got that out of the way, you’re still wondering what this even is. Well, it’s a basic masturbation sleeve that has the shape of a mouth at the opening where you can slip your manhood inside. Don’t forget to lube it up good, especially because the material on this one isn’t as soft as most of the others that are made out of realistic skins or silicone. And while I recommend lubrication with ALL sex toys, this one may seem even more important.

The shaft, or sleeve, of the toy is lined with alternating nubbed chambers and tighter ribbed sections so as you slide yourself inside you’re going to be met with a bunch of different sensations. This is what really sets this toy apart from a lot of others at this price point is the way they really got the inside texture feeling so good.

It’s made from TPR (a rubber polymer blend) which means the toy itself is very flexible. The flexibility makes it great for trying out different positions, or using it in situations that don’t lend themselves to much room – such as in the car.


Using the masturbator is really quite simple.

As I said earlier, it’s not exactly a complicated toy – I mean at that price, what can you really expect right? But still, it’s good to know a few tricks of the trade to get the most BANG for your buck!

  • Step 1: Lube up! Choose your favorite lube and put it both on the head of your Johnson and on the opening of the stroker. You don’t want any chafing down there am I right?
  • Step 2: Slip and slide baby! Insert your dick into the stroker. Then start stroking it.
  • Step 3: Let your wild side fly! Experiment with speed and depth of stroke. Try different positions. Use your free hand to roam freely between your nut sack and your anus. Try playing with your nipples. See what works man! This is YOUR time, so enjoy it!
  • Step 4: Optional edging. Totally optional, but I always recommend trying to hold off your orgasm. See how many times you can bring yourself to the brink of orgams without actually going over.
  • Step 5: The ultimate release. Let those swimmers out boy!
  • Step 6: Rinse and repeat. I know it seems like a bummer when you just jizzed your load, but the sooner you clean it up the easier it’s going to be. Take a minute to come back to reality, and then clean it up. And then… repeat?

Click Here For More Information About The Super Head Honcho


Reasons why I love

  • The price. There’s no way I’m going to tell you that this is better than the Autoblow or the Milker Automatic Stroker because obviously it’s not. However, this is a very good basic male masturbator at a really good price.
  • It feels good. Leave it to Sue to know how to design a sex toy for men that feels so good and costs so little. There is really something to be said about the way they made the internal sleeve with the air pockets mixed with the tighter sections – it really gives a contrast of sensations all the way down which feels great.
  • It’s waterproof. That’s another great thing to be said for simple toys – you can take them anywhere with you! I don’t know about you, but I love a good shower or hottub session!
  • It’s easy to clean. The hole that you stick your manhood into actually goes through right to the other side which makes it easier to clean than some of the ones where all the cum just gets collected inside. You just take a bit of soap and you can run the tap water right through it, making sure you get the whole inside nice and clean.
  • It travels well. Some of the more intense or advanced toys are large. And they can get pretty heavy too. Budget-friendly or not, this is just a great toy to have in your collection if you’re someone that travels a lot – for work or pleasure – because it can fit easily in your luggage, even if you’ve just got a carry-on.


The not-so-nice part of the Super Head Honcho Review

  • It’s pink. Initially, this really turned me off. I felt it was a bit ‘girly’. But I actually soon found out that because of that colour it made a female partner of mine less intimidated by it and more inclined to use it during our own sex session. She didn’t feel comfortable using the realistic-looking masturbators in our play, but this one she loved. So in that regard, I actually ended up liking the pink colour.
  • The material smells at first. Like all TPR toys, the often smell of chemicals when you first take them out of the package. But just wash them off and let it air out for a couple of days and you shouldn’t be able to detect a smell anymore.
  • It’s pretty basic. It’s basic. But again, you get what you pay for. So if you just want something that’s going to feel a few levels better than your hand, then this is perfect! No bells and whistles, just plain, old-fashioned fun.
  • It collects debris. Be careful storing this one. Make sure you put it back in the box or wrap an old t-shirt or cloth around it before storing because the material tends to attract little fluffs, hairs, etc. and by covering it you just keep it nice and clean and ready for use!


My last thoughts in the Super Head Honcho Review

I hope that I’ve gotten my point across with this toy. But if not, let’s recap. This is a great toy for the price. Compared to many other toys at this price point, I’d say that Sue Johanson and her Super Head Honcho is going to give you the best bang (literally) for your buck. The textured interior creates an intense pleasure, and it’s lightweight and easy to bring anywhere with you.

Of course, being able to use it anywhere is a great bonus for me. I love all my automatic blowjob machines that plug into the wall, or make me feel like I’m really having sex with a hot chick, but there is most definitely a time and a place for something more simple – like the backseat of your car after you’ve been staring at that hot co-worker all day. Or in the airplane bathroom when the flight attendants are getting you going. You catch my drift?

So even if you’re not looking specifically for something on a low budget – the Super Head Honcho has many brilliant uses.

Click Here To Check The Up To Date Price

Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Sue Johanson Super Head Honcho
📁 Type: ⭕ Male Masturbator
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Budget-Friendly
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ TPR
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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