Fun Factory Manta Review: The Hulk’s Personal Vibrator (Probably)

Fun Factory Manta Review

Gather round men, and let me tell you the story of one of the coolest gadgets to fall in my lap – the story of the Manta. There once was a man from Nantucket… No, just kidding. In all seriousness, I only recently got my hands on this mind-blowing sex toy, but what a ride it’s been. Honestly, I was ready to write my Fun Factory Manta review after my first solo session.

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Nevertheless, as always, I still wanted to use it a few more times (yeah, poor me) to see what it’s all about. Now, I have the full scoop on this incredible masturbator. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

What Is the Manta?

Ever since I got the Manta, I’ve been racking my brains, trying to figure out what it reminds me of. And then it hit me! The Tower of Sauron! Okay, I know that this is going to sound weird, but just bear with me for a sec here.

The Manta has such a cool and unique design that it kind of resembles the Tower of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings (minus the creepy burning eye). The toy has these tips or wings that look exactly like the tower in the movie. I don’t know if that’s a turnoff for any of you, but it honestly made me fall in love with the toy even more.

Getting back to the matter at hand here; what is the Manta? In short, the Manta is a men’s vibrating stroker that you can use for solo or couple play.

It comes to us from Germany, where a group of engineers got together to open an amazing sex toy company called the Fun Factory. These are the same visionaries who brought us the Cobra Libre 2 and you know how much I loved that one.

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The Manta Design

I also wanted to talk about the toy’s design in my Fun Factory Manta review because I think that it is as simple as it is brilliant.

The Manta features a simple, open-ended design that you can use on any part of your skin flute. The “wings” of the Manta will gently envelop your little buddy, vibrating and giving you unimaginable pleasure.

The Manta also has these ridges inside that kind of help with the vibration, but more importantly, hold the lube. They ensure that the lube doesn’t go all over the place or worse, slip off, leaving you out to dry. What’s more, Fun Factory also put a cleft smack dab in the middle of the toy that enhances the motor’s power.

Another cool thing I really like about the overall design of the Manta is the loop handle. So even if you have lube all over your hands, you can still easily hold on to the toy. Also, there’s no way that it’ll slide right out of your hands while you’re in the middle of beating your meat.

The Manta also comes in three colors: Moss Green, Deep Sea Blue, and Black. Overall, I’ve got to say, I just love the design. It’s so sleek and discreet, and the colors are nice and muted. I could pack up the Manta in a few seconds and take it with me wherever I went.

The Manta Specs

You know that we can’t have a Fun Factory Manta review and not talk about the specs because they are what make or break a toy. The first thing you should know about the Manta is that it’s made from body-safe silicone. It’s super soft and feels really good on the skin.

But I just want to put this out there – don’t use silicone lube with it. The silicones don’t mesh well together and it’s just not a good experience.

The Manta is rechargeable and waterproof, which means you can take it with you in the shower or tub. When you first take it out of the box, you’ll want to charge it for about six to eight hours. On a full charge, the Manta will last around two hours, which is more than enough for like a dozen fap sessions (at least for me).

The total length of the Manta is 7.1 inches, while the internal diameter is 1.8 inches. Now, that’s more than enough for almost every guy out there and I think anyone could comfortably fit inside. But if you’ve got even more girth than that, the flexible wings will bend to accommodate you and your monster of a dong.

Oh, and did I mention that the Manta has a Travel Lock feature? By holding the Fun and Minus buttons for like half a second, you’ll activate it. The Travel Lock ensures that your vibrator never goes off in your suitcase or bag. Then, to disable the feature, just hold the Fun and Plus buttons for the same amount of time.


The Manta Strokes

Another thing that I wanted to include in my Fun Factory Manta review was the speed and stroke settings. I really enjoy how versatile and, dare I say, efficient the Manta is.

It has six speeds and six vibration patterns that you can play around with and use on your trouser snake. But don’t worry, there aren’t a ton of unnecessary buttons that you have to fiddle with while you’re mid-play.

The first time you get the blowjob toy, the Travel Lock feature will be on, so you need to disable it. Then, press the Fun button again and get the ball rolling. By clicking on the Plus or Minus buttons, you can change speeds and intensities. I like to call these “the levels of Manta” because they’re all so different from one another.

There are 12 of these “levels” or rhythms that you can try out. Play around, see what works for you. Depending on how you’re feeling, go back and forth between Plus and Minus. That way, you’ll get the most out of your knob job and you’ll feel giddy afterward. And no; I’m not exaggerating.

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Fun Factory Manta Review – Solo Play

Using the Manta for solo play – this is the part I was most excited to share with you guys and talk about in my review. I played with this toy for hours on end and used it in almost every position I could think of. Yeah, I know; I do have the best job in the world.

Anyway, I wanted to walk you through using the Manta on different parts of your John Thomas. For example, if you decide to put it at the base of your willy, Manta will automatically turn it into a vibrator. That’s why it’s such a cool toy for couples, but I’ll get to that in a second.

When I first got the Manta, I started at the base, completely soft. I wanted to see if this thing could do the job start to finish. Needless to say, it turned me on pretty much as soon as it started vibrating.

Then, I moved the Manta around the shaft and went for the tip. The first time I put it on the tip, it kind of slid off so I had to put it back on. But I’ve since gotten the hang of using the Manta and I haven’t had that problem.

But the best thing about the Manta is the fact that you can use it on your balls. Since the wings are made from silicone, they’ll cup your gonads and start vibrating. Also, you can “clamp” your ball inside the Manta, turn on the vibrations, and tug. The wings are soft enough so they won’t hurt you, but they’ll still give you the suction you need.

Double Trouble

When researching the Manta, I saw that Fun Factory recommends using it with a partner. You know me, I had to take one for the team and check if that claim holds water.

To make sure my review was through, I first used it while receiving a blowjob. My oh my, what an experience that was. As I was getting an already superb slob on my knob, my partner turned the Manta on. It felt like getting a hummer, only a million times better because the male sex toy did all the work.

The next thing I had to do was to use it during sex to see if it still holds up (yes, I know, poor me). Anyway, I followed Fun Factory’s recommendation and used it while I was on the bottom and she was doing the cowgirl.

So we put the Manta on the base of my little buddy and went to town on each other. From my perspective, it was incredible, and probably the best sex I’ve had in months, if not years.

But I wanted to check in with my partner and see if the toy did anything for her. She described it as having sex with a vibrator, except there’s a human attached to it. Pretty straightforward, but I get what she was trying to say. Either way, she seemed thoroughly satisfied afterward and the Manta got a thumbs up from her, too.

Using the Fun Factory Manta for Female Pleasure

After we were done doing the dirty deed (a couple of times), we wanted to see how the Manta would perform for solo female pleasure. Since it basically looks like a clitoral vibrator, I assumed it would work to stimulate her. And I’m happy to report that it did!

I wouldn’t say that women can use the Manta to get off, but it’s a nice little teaser and perfect for foreplay. So if you have a partner or a fuck buddy, I definitely recommend using the Manta together.


The No-Nos

I feel like I have to give this disclaimer – please don’t put the Manta up your butt. I know that it’s tempting because the vibrations feel so nice and the toy is flexible. But it won’t make for a good experience and you can end up hurting yourself and ruining the toy.

If you want to get something for anal play, I recommend the Duke or maybe even the Bootie Ring. Fun Factory makes a bunch of male anal toys and prostate massagers that are fun and safe. So there’s no real reason for you to be putting the Manta up there and ruining it.

Cleaning and Caring for the Manta

Since the Manta is open-ended and doesn’t have any sleeves or chambers to catch your jizz, cleaning it is a piece of cake. Cleaning your bed or yourself is a different story, though, so watch your aim. Anyway, all you have to do is run it under tepid water and wash it with some natural soap. Also, because the Manta is waterproof, you don’t have to worry about flooding the engine.

I also want to take a second to talk about the Cleaner in my Fun Factory Manta review. The cleaner has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and it’ll keep your toys clean and safe. You can use it on any other male masturbation toys, not just the Fun Factory ones.

But more importantly, you can use the Fun Factory Cleaner on your privates, too. It’s so gentle and non-abrasive that it won’t hurt your skin.

What I Don’t Like About the Fun Factory Manta

As you’ve probably realized by now based on my review, I really like this damn toy. It’s so much fun, I can use it with a partner, and the clean up is minimal. With that said, there is one thing I’m not a fan of, and it’s the dust.

Since the Manta is made from medical-grade silicone, it’s super soft, but also attracts a lot of dust. For example, when you wash it and leave it to air dry, you’ll come back to find little dust particles on it.

One way to rectify the situation is by letting the Manta air dry and blowing on it once or twice (counterintuitive, I know). Then, put it in a bag or a pouch and leave it there until you’re ready to use it again. Honestly, it’s such a minor issue and one that most silicone toys share but I had to mention it.


My Final Verdict on the Fun Factory Manta

The Manta is so versatile and easy to use that I think pretty much anyone would have a blast playing with it. Even though there are no fancy bells and whistles on it, the Manta gets the job done. You can use it for solo play, with one or two partners, and in multiple different positions.

With that said, based on my entire Fun Factory Manta review, I think all of you can pretty much guess what my final verdict is. But I’ll say it just for the hell of it – this toy is incredible! In fact, I love the Manta so much that I might just order another one to have in case this one ever breaks. You know what? I’ll actually go and do that right now.

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Fun Factory Manta
📁 Type: ⭕ Male Masturbator
⚙️ Features: ⭕ USB Rechargeable And Waterproof
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ Hypoallergenic Silicone
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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