Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage Launch Review: Launch Yourself Into Ecstasy!

Fleshlight Qucikshot Launch Vantage Review

The Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage Launch is an awesome masturbation sleeve made by one of the first male sex toy companies that helped start the revolution for men – making sex toys something that weren’t just for women anymore! And let me tell you – I’ve got a LOT of Fleshlight products in my pleasure arsenal at home – because they’re a solid product, and they feel great! And Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage Launch is no exception to the rule – check out my review and find out why!

But the Quickshot LAUNCH is what really makes this particular Fleshlight product stand out! This piece of equipment is going to take you to a whole new level!

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Wait… what’s the difference between the Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage & the Quickshot Launch?

Good question. I’m glad you asked.

And the quick answer is… they’re two completely different products that work together like peanut butter and jelly. You see, the Quickshot Vantage Fleshlight Review wouldn’t be complete without discussing the Quickshot Vantage Launch which basically turns a basic Fleshlight masturbation sleeve into an incredible automated blowjob robot!! You’re with me now, right?

But first let’s take a look at the Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage. About half the length of the original Fleshlight, the Quickshot is open on both ends. This is an incredible idea because it offers so many more ways to use it. As a standalone masturbation sleeve, or as added stimulus when you’re having sexing or getting a blow job! There are actually two variations of this product – the Pulse, and the Vantage. The difference? They have different internal stimulations (bumps, ridges, texture). Otherwise, they both have the unique design of being open on BOTH ends.

And that’s where the Quickshot Launch comes in. The Quickshot Launch is a machine designed to turn this handheld masturbation tool into an out of this world automatic blowjob machine that will flip your world upside down! You just attach your quickshot masturbator into the correct section on the machine, and BAM! You’ve got blowjobs-on-demand!


How to best use the Quickshot Launch

Most places I’ve seen sell the Quickshot Launch WITH a Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage. So I’m just going to go ahead and assume that you’ve got both of these things with you.

  • Find a comfortable spot. The Launch isn’t exactly a tiny machine, so make sure you’ve got a good place set up and get comfortable.
  • Attach the Quickshot Vantage to the Launch. Because these two things come separately, this is an added step of putting the masturbator into the machine. It’s simple.
  • Put on some porn. This is, of course, completely optional. But I live by the saying ‘go big or go home’ and so why wouldn’t I add porn to this pleasurable activity?
  • Lube it up. As always, use lube. Unlike the last one, this isn’t a suggestion. It’s a “DO IT”.
  • Stick it in. I think this is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case, it means insert your dick inside the quickshot.
  • Turn it on. Turn on the blowjob machine, and sit back and get ready to have your world rocked!
  • And away we gooooo! Enjoy it! Use the different settings, and see what gets you really going!
  • P.S. Don’t forget to clean up. When you’re done, clean up.

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So now that you know WHAT it is… I’ll tell you HOW it is. Because let’s be honest – that’s all you really care about, right? Is it good? Or is it bad? So here are a few of the things I love about it:

  • The smartphone (porn) holder. This is the first automated blowjob machine that actually has a built-in part that holds your smartphone (aka porn player) while you masturbate! I don’t know who thought of that idea over there at Fleshlight, but I. AM. ON. BOARD! #soulbrothas.
  • Lots of variation. With 4 variable stroke lengths and stroke speeds, you’ve got lots of options to choose from to get you to reach that point of ecstasy! And you can choose three different pleasure zones – base, shaft of tip – depending on what you’re feeling that day! It can also move as quickly as 250 strokes per minute! That’s more than 4 strokes per second. Heck ya!
  • Multiple uses. What I love about this product is that you can use the Quickshot Vantage Fleshlight with OR without the Launch – and thus you’ve got two different toys in one! The Quickshot on it’s own is small enough that it’s great for travelling, or wherever else you may want to take it!
  • Decent battery life. On a full charge, the machine can last a good 60 minutes.



This is definitely one of the better toys on the market! But even the best still have their shadow sides, am I right?>

  • Must assemble at each use. This seems trivial, but there have been times where I’ve gone to use it, and I realise that I’ve taken my Quickshot Vantage with me in my gym bag, and I left my gym bag at work. And I wasn’t able to use the Launch. That could probably be easily solved if I were more organized, but it’s happened a few times now. Kind of frustrating.
  • It’s very large. This is NOT a discreet toy. YOu can see in the image on the main site how big it is compared to the super sexy girl who’s holding it. This isn’t something you’re going to carry around and hide. And you’re going to have to find it a pretty decent spot to live in your closet, or under your bed, or wherever you choose to put it.
  • You can’t forget to charge it. On a full charge, this thing is a beast! But I find that when I have like a 30 minute session, then go to have another 30 minute session, it doesn’t always last as long. So I’ve got to charge it in between. It’s not awful though, because you CAN use it while it’s being charged. Just a pain in the butt if it happens when you’re just about to climax and then it shuts off!


Final Thoughts on the Quickshot Vantage Fleshlight

Overall, it’s an incredible blowjob machine and a great purchase for anyone who is new to the automated sex toy scene, or who loves the idea that you basically get TWO toys in one. The Quickshot Vantage AND the Launch. I’ve been using this for a while now, and it has pleased me VERY well each and every time. Highly recommend!

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Product Specs:

🏷️ Name: ⭕ Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage
📁 Type: ⭕ Male Masturbator
⚙️ Features: ⭕ Smartphone Holder
🛠️ Materials: ⭕ ABS
📅 Last updated: ⭕ July 8, 2024

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

Hi, I’m Mark. Welcome to BestBlowjobMachines.com! This is a positive space where I talk about the latest male sex toys that hit the market.

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