What To Do If You’re A Rebound Or Savior

What To Do If You’re A Rebound Or Savior

Rebounds” and “saviors” are stigmatized by virtue of their status. The terms instantly bring to mind galactic LJBFs and long nights with a girl crying on your shoulder over an ex whose dick swings way wider than yours. While stereotypes are simply…stereotypes, there’s a reason why they exist. In this case it’s because while some rebounds can elevate themselves into proper Alpha status, and some “saviors” MIGHT get to taste a morsel of gratitude, most end up shoveling filth and becoming pawns to a greater feminized imperative.

There’s nothing wrong with being a rebound, the problem arises when men perceive themselves as a rebound and play out their roles as one. A girl coming out of a shitty relationship will praise your “nice guy” ways and may be temporarily infatuated by your kindness; but if it gets to your head, you’ll STAY in nice guy mode since it seems like that’s what she wants. And thus begins your tragic death.

Women have no idea what they want, nor what they need, hence you should be willfully ignorant of all her audible demands. Your job is not to be a “nice” guy because she says she’s tired of jerks nor is your job to be a jerk because she says she hates pushovers. Your job is to be an Alpha, to be masculine, to be whatever the fuck YOU want to be.

The nice guy routine will eventually suffocate her sexual desire for you leading to a dry spell and an eventual LJBF. For her to like you MORE than her ex, she needs to perceive you as MORE dominant – this is the soul stone of female hypergamy. She needs to be attracted to you MORE THAN she was attracted to her ex.

Same with saviors. In general I would recommend avoiding a relationship where you need to play out a savior schema, simply because it makes no sense from a male perspective. As an Alpha, you shouldn’t have to be making huge concessions or sacrifices to make a relationship work. To add irony to the whole savior tapestry, a girl being “saved” by a guy will find him less attractive every waking moment because his desperation to be with her becomes more evident after every little thing he sacrifices to be with her.

But Jedi-Game solves all, including bad relationship positioning. First you need to come to terms with yourself – you probably have Oneitis. If the girl you are with needs you less than you need her, you’re already fucked sideways. If your relationship has already gone sour and you’re simply holding on to it because you can’t face the reality of being without her, expect a gruesome death.

If on the other hand, you think your relationship might work but the savior position is just losing you too much ground, I would recommend a massive dose of Alpha, and Vicodin. You need to re-position yourself as the dominant figure in the relationship. The only reason a girl who needs you for provisional reasons still persists on bitching out is because she subconsciously knows that she has you by the balls. Reject the mentality that she will reciprocate your kindness with loyalty. Women don’t give a fuck how much you sacrifice for them; she will love you more if you are a dominant Alpha that fucks her good than if you voyage across the universe and claim a new planet in her name.

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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