14 Awesome Date Ideas For Spring

14 Awesome Date Ideas For Spring

Treat Your Partner To Something Special This Season

Spring is the perfect time for romance to blossom. The sun is out, the snow has long melted (except maybe up in Maine), and daydreams of summertime are ever present: ’tis the season for generating amazing memories with your significant other! Below are the best spring date activities in the history of Internet lists:

1. Take a walk in the woods / a botanical garden

Never underestimate the beauty of nature during springtime.

The greens are sprouting, the flowers are blooming, the air smells delicious. Pro Tip: If you have allergies, don’t forget the Claritin.

2. Shop for bathing suits

What better way to spend the afternoon with the hot bod you love so much? Hit up your local TJ Maxx and try on the best suits in the venue. Don’t be uncomfortable with your own physicality- your partner chose you!

3. Play tennis

Throw on your best sweat suit and head to the courts. Tennis is the ideal sport for a twosome, and it’s fabulous exercise. Get your stamina up and see if you can last for an hour – it’s good training for other late night activities.

4. Visit a playground

On a Saturday, visit your local elementary school with your partner and get wild on the seesaw. (No, not that kind of wild). Or sit on the swings and talk deeply about life. A return trip to the playground can be nostalgic and refreshing.

5. Play a round of PIG

Remember the childhood basketball game that had you pumped all day long? No, not HORSE – PIG!

If you’ve never played, here’s how. One-on-one is great, but PIG is even better for a couple.

6. Go flower shopping

As everyone always says, “A home is not a home without a lush garden”. Okay, I just made that up – but try this one anyway! Hey, no one hates flowers.

7. Take a walk on the beach

You might not be able to take a dip in the ocean or lake (because it is freaking cold) – but it’s nice to just look at the water, isn’t it? The beach is the perfect setting for your first springtime kiss.

8. Read together

Few things are more wonderful than sprawling out on the lawn with your significant other and reading a great book. Pack a picnic and go to town on each others’ Kindles.

9. Throw a dance party

You only need to invite one person for it to be a rager. Commit to boogieing with your partner, rain or shine (April showers only make it more epic).

10. Grab some sushi

There’s no such thing as a bad sushi date, and spring provides the ideal weather in which to enjoy some delicious fresh fish. If you like to live life on the edge, order the craziest rolls on the menu, you rockstar, you.

11. Play Mario Kart

So much fun. SO ADDICTING. A little playful competition is good for any relationship. Just don’t go all Monica from Friends on your partner (it’s okay to lose once in a while).

12. Go to an arcade

If your Wii at home isn’t cutting it, upgrade to the real deal at an arcade, which is a great setting for daters of any age to have some real fun.

13. Take your cat for a walk

Ask your significant other to videotape your attempt to leash kitty up and take him outside. Upload to social media and cross your fingers for it to go viral. “Hey, look, Tigger’s on BuzzFeed!”. Celebrate your newfound fortune and fame as a couple.

14. Build a fort

Springtime allergies got you under house arrest? Build a badass sheet fort in your own home, get cozy, and watch Netflix on a laptop. And best of all, later, you can do even more pleasurable things there, too…

Adults Only

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Mark Mitchell

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