6 Questions Women In Relationships Want Answered (But Are Afraid To Ask)

6 Questions Women In Relationships Want Answered

Let’s face it, ladies: when in a relationship, we have a tendency to overanalyze. We often wish that men could read our minds so we won’t have to ask the hard stuff about sex, feelings, or commitment. But not every chat has to turn into a cross-examination – women shouldn’t feel afraid or ashamed to set the record straight once exclusivity has been established. And fellas, you can make things easier on everyone by nipping those unnecessary, awkward conversations in the bud.

Here are the top relationship questions women want answered:

1. Are you still attracted to me?

Sometimes insecurities get the best of us. But we don’t want a guy to think even less of us for unconfidently asking if he thinks we’ve slacked on our physical appearances. Guys, take note that even casual compliments can go a long way!

2. Do you ever think about marrying me?

If a guy can hint, even in the slightest, that there’s a chance the relationship may be heading towards marriage, we’ll be able to hold our head a little higher… at least for the time being!

3. Do you want kids someday?

Yes, we’re aware that we may not be “there” yet, but having children is really important to most women, and those interested in becoming parents do want to know where a guy stands on the matter before pursuing a more serious relationship.

4. Am I holding you back from your friends?

When a guy’s friends invite him out, he puts us on the spot by saying he’s “cooped up” with his girl for the night. We can’t help but question if he’d rather be out with his pals, but feel foolish asking because we know he might sincerely want to spend time with us.

5. Do you think about past relationships?

Here’s one that most guys surely wonder about us, too – jealousy, after all, is universal. We wouldn’t mind a little reassurance now and then that our relationship triumphs all previous romances. Talking about the things that work in a relationship – and those that don’t – can be super productive.

6. Are there things I do that annoy you?

No one wants to be called “annoying”, but sometimes it’s best to address frustrations directly to give a relationship its best chance of survival. For example, a boyfriend might not be comfortable with one of us constantly hanging out with his mom; or perhaps a guy’s habit of constantly humming is slowly chipping away at our sanity. Chances are, if you can politely disclose your pet peeves to your partner, she or he will have grievances to air, as well!

There’s no better way to keep a relationship healthy than with honesty.

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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