Oral Sex Positions

Oral Sex Positions

A good sex position for oral sex can make the difference between a hot and fun oral romp and an awkward ten minutes that leaves you with a pain in the neck. The receiver may be more focused on their pleasure than their partner’s comfort, but this is a classic mistake. The more comfortable and versatile a position is, the more options there are for exploration.

Below are five positions that offer comfort, movement, and fun.

Find the one that’s right for you, or try a new one out to see how it changes the experience and feeling.

On My Knees

This classic position (well classic in porn anyway) strongly evokes the potential power dynamics in oral sex. Despite being usually represented as a position for fellatio, it works for cunnilingus as well. Benefits of this position are the visuals, the fact that the giving partner may be able to use their hands, as well as being in a position that doesn’t require a lot of room and can be gotten into and out of relatively quickly. Drawbacks include physical ones. It’s hard on the knees (a pillow under them helps a bit) and it can be hard on the neck as well. And for givers who want to feel more in control and with a greater sense of power, this position often doesn’t feel right.

Between the Legs

More comfortable for most, this common sex position has the receiving partner lying on their back with the giver further down between their legs. There are a lot of variations on this position where the receiving partner bends their knees or lifts their legs right up off the bed (they can rest on the givers shoulders).

The receiving partner can also turn on their side, and this may be even more comfortable for a giving partner who has neck problems.

Right Angle Approach

In this position the receiving partner lies flat on their back and the giving partner positions themselves at a right angle with their head at their partner’s genitals. Giving oral sex in this position changes the usual direction of stroking/licking from up-and-down to side-to-side. Side-to-side stimulation, particularly for women, can be more intense and may be preferred. This position also allows the giver greater hand reach if they want to stimulate the legs and feet or head of their partner.

Face Sitting

If you’re prone to giggling this may not be the oral sex position for you as it may remind you of a childhood game in a non-sexy way. Otherwise this position can work well, particularly with a woman on top. It’s a good choice for givers who have limited mobility or who experience fatigue. It also provides a lot of dominance/submission potential. The receiver can sit over the givers face either crouching or with their shins on the bed, and can even lean forward and support their own upper body with their hands (so they’re kind of in a rear entry position).

On the Edge of Your Seat

A more relaxed version of the on your knees position, in this one the receiver sits in a comfy chair with their bum out towards the edge (this also works on the edge of a bed or couch of course). This position is much easier for the giver who can be on their knees or sitting but can shift some of the weight of their own body from their knees to their upper body by using the chair for some support. One drawback to this position is that it doesn’t offer the same kind of access to the receiver’s full body.

Adults Only

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Mark Mitchell

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