Why Is Marriage So Terrifying?

Why Is Marriage So Terrifying

Marriage, a cherished institution celebrated as the union of two souls, is also a source of profound fear for many. For some, even the mere mention of this lifelong commitment can stir anxiety, making them question their decisions and hesitate in the face of a seemingly monumental step. So, why is marriage, an institution filled with love and promises, often associated with fear and trepidation? In this exploration, we will unravel the complexities that underlie the universal fear of tying the knot and delve into the emotional intricacies that make marriage such a paradoxical journey for so many.

What is it about tying the knot that freaks so many of us out?

Mention the “M-word” to most young dudes in a committed relationship, and they’ll likely break into a flop sweat while squirming in their own skin. Even the healthiest, most in-love-guy-on-earth will experience a veritable emotional rollercoaster on his wedding day. So what’s the big deal? What is it about marriage that terrifies men (and plenty of women, too!) so great?

The Long Haul

Making a lifelong commitment isn’t easy for most because it’s a lifelong commitment. Marriage is supposed to be forever, and that freaks most people out at first: “Is this the only person I’ll be having sex with for the rest of my life?” one might be thinking. It’s great to keep a wider perspective in mind, but I recommend spending more of your time appreciating the moment you’re in rather than getting so caught up in what you think you’ll want in fifty years from now. Priorities change with time, and you’ll likely value a whole new set of traits in a partner by then anyway. Follow your heart and go with what feels right, right now.

The Beginning of The End

I’ve quoted actor Jeff Bridges on this site before, who has publicly described marriage as a “giant step” in the direction of death. Marriage also closes a chapter of your life (singlehood) and sets you on the path to greater adulthood, which can scare us to death (no pun intended). But thinking like this is not only potentially damaging to your relationship – it’s self-destructive.

We can’t perpetually put off each exciting new stage of life in order to cheat death (unless you’re Peter Pan, I suppose). If you’re not willing to commit, you’re only cheating yourself of all the rich experiences you could someday share with the love of your life!

Don’t Give Up

More importantly, you know how older couples are always going on and on about how hard any couple has to work at a marriage? It’s no joke. Even the best relationships require constant maintenance, and knowing that you’re in for many years of hard work can be scary. But by taking the plunge and pledging not to ever give up on working on the marriage, you’ll find that the reward is worth the effort. If you can continue to court and date one another for the rest of your lives, you’ll keep the romance alive for an eternity.

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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