How To Improve Self Confidence With Girls – Top 3 Secrets Of Success With Women

How To Improve Self Confidence With Girls

Do you know someone who has problems being confident around women? Could that someone possibly even be you? Are you constantly thinking about improving self confidence with girls? In this article we are going to talk about 3 top tips for being confident.

I understand that improving self confidence with girls can be a pretty difficult subject. The sweating, stuttering and utter frustration with your uncomfortable feelings around women can drive you completely crazy. Many guys do not even think about some common sense things that they can do to improve their confidence level.

To start, I recommend you learn what makes guys naturally attractive to women. There are certain qualities that all women want. In addition, it’s important to learn different techniques for improving your confidence. So let’s go on to talk about 3 ways you can do this:

Number 1 – Observe

If you are serious about improving self confidence with girls you should think about how other confident guys look and act. You may even take some notes on the way that they operate and find out exactly what makes them so confident.

You may be thinking oh well they look better than me, have more money than me and are just plain lucky that is how they are so confident. Some of these things may be true but that is not why they are confident. Confidence comes from who you are and not from what you have and what you look like.

If you take enough time to watch the guys that are very suave with the ladies you are going to see that I am in fact telling you the truth.

Number 2 – Practice

Once you have observed some of the more confident guys it is time for you to practice. You should make sure that you are cool, calm and collected and walk up to a woman and start talking to her. I would start with someone that is not really important to you. This will take off some of the pressure and it will also be ok if you totally bomb out on the conversation.

If you have some female friends that are willing to help you then you may want to bounce some of what you have to say off of them. This is a great way to get real female advice and see if you are making a total fool out of yourself trying to act confident. You want to make sure that she can not tell that it is all a sham until you actually are confident.

Number 3 – Looks

If you are not confident about your looks then this is going to make you very insecure. I am not saying that you should change who you are but if you think that you look like a nerd you may want to get some help and look like a hunk for once. It really is not that difficult and it is not betraying anything or anyone. You are allowed to look handsome without becoming a jerk.

Some common sense things that I thought I should mention:


This should be common sense, but it needs to be said. You do not have to look like you walked off of a magazine cover to attract women. But being clean and looking “sharp” are a must. A little hygiene mishap can make a guy that otherwise seems perfect to quickly become a, “no fly zone”.

Improving self confidence with girls

These may sound like some very basic things when it comes to improving self confidence. No doubt, they really are basic. It is all about learning to crawl before you walk. When it comes to self confidence and women it is important to build a strong foundation first.

Once you have built a foundation. Even simple ones, like what we have gone over previously. Your success with women will increase. As you gain more success you gain confidence. As you gain confidence; you gain even more success. Success breeds more success in everything, but this is particularly true when it comes to improving self confidence with girls.

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About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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