How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?

How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Are you wondering how common is erectile dysfunction? Did you know that it affects both young and old men? Find out how common erectile dysfunction is by reading the information below.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

A man’s erection involves the circulatory system, muscles, hormones, nerves, and the brain. All of these systems are working together for them to be able to fill the penis erectile tissue with blood. Typically, a man who is suffering from ED or erectile dysfunction is having trouble maintaining and getting an erection during sexual intercourse. There are also some men who are unfortunate enough not to get an erection at all.

How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but there are also younger men who are affected by this. According to a report, there are 50% of men who are in their 50s who are experiencing this problem, while 60% of people who are in their 60s are experiencing mild erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction In Younger Men

According to a study conducted in July 2013, erectile dysfunction is more common in men who are younger. In fact, 26% of adults who are affected by this dysfunction are under 40. Half of them are in fact suffering from severe cases of erectile dysfunction. Another study shows that younger men are more likely to use illegal drugs and smoke which are both linked to erectile dysfunction.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Physical Reasons

One of the possible grounds of having erectile dysfunction is due to atherosclerosis or clogged arteries. Another reason would be blood vessels which are damaged due to high blood glucose levels. These blood vessels include the ones who are supplying blood to a man’s penis. Obesity is another reason for this and losing weight will surely help men to treat this problem.

Psychological Reasons

Feeling too excited sexually can cause an erection, therefore conditions including anxiety and depression can actively interfere with that kind of process. Jobs that are stressful can contribute to erectile dysfunction as well. Lastly, both drug and alcohol abuse can cause this problem among younger men.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction

Switching To A Healthy Lifestyle

Getting more exercise, eating healthy, and as well as long weight can help minimize all the problems that are causing erectile dysfunction. Cutting back on drinking alcohol and quitting smoking can help not only with your erectile problem but as well as with your overall health.


Of course, there are also medications that can help treat erectile dysfunction. Typically, your doctor will recommend these medications before treatments that are more invasive are considered. Phosphodiesterase is one of the medications that are given to patients, and this medication consists of an enzyme that can help interfere with the nitric oxide’s action. Nitric oxide is the one helping the penis’ blood vessels to increase its blood flow.


Surgery is the last option that one should resort to. Surgery is usually done by implanting a penile prosthesis. There are different models of the penile prosthesis, and some can help the penis to go upward for intercourse and downwards for urination.

These are all of the information that you need on how common is erectile dysfunction. Usually, men are embarrassed to talk about this kind of problem. But being honest about your health issues is one of the best things that you can do to yourself. Getting the right diagnosis is essential, for you to be able to get the treatment that you need.

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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