7 Healthy Reasons You Need To Have As Much Sex As Possible

7 Healthy Reasons You Need To Have As Much Sex As Possible

Sex Doesn’t Just Feel Good – It Can Be Good For Your Health!

What if I were to prove that sex isn’t just about fun, satisfaction, and making babies – but that it also provides a bevy of key health benefits? Would a worldwide orgy ensue?

Orgy or not, below are some actual, incredible health boosts you get when (safely!) doing the deed. Here’s to a healthier life:


Justin Lehmiller, Purdue University lecturer and Author of “The Psychology of Human Sexuality”, says that sex can enhance muscle tone and increase your resting heart rate.

Of course, these effects depend upon how physical your sex is – you and your partner may choose to lie on your sides like a couple of beached whales, or perform gravity-defying acrobatics. Bring on the sex-trapeze!

Stress Reduction

If you’re wondering why you feel like a robot that just permanently powered down after achieving the big “O”, it’s because orgasms relieve some serious tension. Dr. Sheenie Ambardar, “The Happiness Psychiatrist”, says that touching and physical closeness releases the body’s “feel-good hormone”. She claims that sex and intimacy can provide an overall happiness boost, which in turn, reduces stress. You can’t pay for that type of relief! (Well, I mean…I guess you could…).

Pain Relief

According to distinguished Rutgers University professor Barry R. Komisaruk, sex releases a hormone that helps raise your personal pain threshold. In fact, sexual contact without an orgasm can help, too – just looking at your partner (or even a photo of your partner!) can ease physical pain.

In a study covered by Everyday Health, anesthesiologists found that viewing photos of a significant other or good-looking strangers can offer significant pain relief. So the next time you reach for a few Tylenol, why not consider reaching for an orgasm instead?

Apparently orgasms are so satisfying and delicious that they can nourish you like a meal would! Okay, maybe that’s a stretch – but orgasms do reduce cravings. Just ask Dr. Shelly, the founder of Orgasmical Medicine (it’s way more enjoyable than Penicillin). Shelly explains on her website that orgasms act like an appetite regulator when the body produces phenethylamine, a natural amphetamine, during sexual arousal.


In his book, Secrets of the Superyoung, clinical psychologist Dr. David Weeks published research suggesting that routine sex can make both men and women look about 5-7 years younger. Why? Sexual intercourse releases the human growth hormone, which (among other benefits) elasticized skin for a younger look. Who needs expensive face cream when you’ve got a healthy sex life?

Greater Libido

Lauren Streicher, Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, reports that having sex will “improve your libido”. Such is the case for women in particular, as sex increases vaginal blood flow, lubrication, and elasticity, therefore making sex feel better. Go on and maximize your mojo.

Improved Sleep

Dr. Sheenie Ambardar to the rescue again! The Happiness Psychiatrist says that many partners doze off shortly after sex because an orgasm triggers the release of the hormone prolactin, “which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness”. The next time you and your partner want to sleep like babies, give one another those shuddering sexual sonic booms you need so badly.

Bottom Line

Well, there you have it: over a half dozen stellar reasons to do more of something you hopefully already love doing. So get out there and go buck wild – but of course, keep protection on hand at all times! Use condoms to prevent unintentional pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. After all, sex is all about keeping healthy, isn’t it?

Adults Only

About The Author

Mark Mitchell

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